Isfahan - Wikipedia
Isfahan or Esfahan/Espahan (Persian: اصفهان; [esfæˈhɒːn] ⓘ) [a] is a major city in the Central District of Isfahan County, Isfahan province, Iran. It is the capital of the province, the county, …
伊斯法罕 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
伊斯法罕 (波斯語: اصفهان , 羅馬化:Esfahān, [esfæˈhɒːn] ( 發音);英語: Isfahan),是在 伊朗 大伊斯法罕區 (英语:Greater Isfahan Metropolitan Area) 中的重要城市。 它位於首都 …
伊斯法罕(英语:Esfahan,波斯语:اصفهان)伊朗第三大城市,位于伊朗中部地区,系伊斯法罕省省会,人口约225万(2023年统计),海拔1590米。 距德黑兰414公里,面积250平方公里。
Isfahan - People Of Persia
Isfahan consists of 6 districts, 14 cities and 19 rural districts with many historical heritages and natural landscapes, which made Isfahan to be the 3 rd biggest city in Iran, after Tehran and …
آشنایی با آداب و رسوم مردم اصفهان - pvtour
2024年10月5日 · فرهنگ مردم اصفهان ترکیبی از احترام، نظم و مهماننوازی است که به جذابیت این شهر افزوده. حضور اقوام و ادیان مختلف، همچنین پایتختی این شهر در جکومت های بزرگی چون سلجوقیان و صفویان از عوامل مهم تاثیرگذار بر فرهنگ مردم اصفهان است.در …
Isfahan - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Isfahan or Esfahān (historically also rendered as Ispahan or Hispahan, Old Persian: Aspadana, Middle Persian: Spahān, Persian: اصفهان Esfahān) is the capital of Esfahan Province in Iran. It is …
Isfahan Travel Guide: Top Attractions, History, and Tips (2025)
2024年12月16日 · Isfahan is home to over 2 million people, making it one of Iran’s largest cities. The population is ethnically diverse, with Persians as the majority and a notable Armenian …
Inside the Jewish community ‘at home’ in Esfahan, Iran | CNN
2015年3月11日 · Most of Esfahan’s Jews are business people. In the center of town there is a shopping mall, known to people here as the “Jewish Passage” because so many businesses …
What Is Isfahan Famous For? - surfiran.com
2024年10月12日 · Isfahan, one of Iran’s most captivating cities, is known for its stunning Islamic architecture, rich cultural heritage, and centuries-old Persian craftsmanship. From the iconic …
Culture in Isfahan - Wikipedia
Isfahan is the home of several UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Sites. The Naqsh-e Jahan Square (Shah Square) was built in the early 16th century when Isfahan was the capital of the …