Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 1.2.18 - Online Vedabase
2018年1月2日 · Here is the remedy for eliminating all inauspicious things within the heart, which are considered to be obstacles in the path of self-realization. The remedy is the association of …
Ashta Bhairava - Wikipedia
The Ashta Bhairavas (Sanskrit: अष्टभैरवः, romanized: Aṣṭabhairavah, lit. 'eight Bhairavas') are the eight manifestations of the Hindu god Bhairava, [1] a ferocious form of Shiva. They are …
Bhagavati - Wikipedia
Bhagavatī (Devanagari: भगवती, IAST: Bhagavatī), is an Indian epithet of Sanskrit origin, used as an honorific title for goddesses in Hinduism and Buddhism. In Hinduism, it is primarily used to …
Bhagavata Sampradaya - Wikipedia
Rulers onwards from Chandragupta II, Vikramaditya were known as parama Bhagavatas, or Bhagavata Vaishnavas. The Bhagavata Purana entails the fully developed tenets and …
Ashtabhairavas|Stotram|Hindi|English - Siddhaguru
Ashtabhairavas are the incarnations of Kala Bhaiarva and are the consorts of Ashtamatrikas. Ashta Bhairava/Ashtamatrika Slokam. Unmattaha Bhīshaṇō Ruruhu ।. Krōdhaha Samhāra …
Bhagavati, Bhagavatī: 19 definitions - Wisdom Library
2024年11月27日 · Bhagavati (भगवति, “holy lady”) refers to a specific “mode of address” (nāman) used in drama (nāṭya), according to Nāṭyaśāstra chapter 19. Bhagavati is used in addressing …
Bhagavathy – Hindu Goddesses and Deities - TemplePurohit
Goddess Bhagavathi is also known as the eight handed goddess and is one of the forms of goddess Durga. The main festivals of Goddess Bhagavathi are Dussehra and Durga Puja. ॐ …
Eight forms of Bhairava (Ashta Bhairava) and their mantras
Ashta Bhairavas ("Eight Bhairavas") are eight manifestations of the Hindu god Bhairava, a ferocious aspect of the god Shiva. They guard and control the eight directions. Each Bhairava …
Bhagavati - Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia
His power, conceived as His consort, is called ‘Bhagavati (also known as Śakti or Devī). Though this word can apply to any goddess or female deity, it is almost invariably used to denote …
How To Worship Goddess Bhagavathi In Hinduism - Hindu Blog
Worshiping Goddess Bhagavathi, a revered form of the Divine Mother in Hinduism, is an auspicious practice believed to bring blessings, protection, prosperity, and spiritual growth. …