Army ASI List 2025 | 2024 Additional Skill Identifiers
Army ASIs and SQIs indicate that soldiers possess specialized skills or qualifications beyond their primary MOS. SQIs refer to specific qualifications, and army ASIs refer to additional skills or training. An Army ASI List 2025 & 2024, or Additional Skill Identifier, is a code or special qualification training in addition to MOS training.
2022年6月9日 · NOTE: The Medical Proficiency Designator (MPD) is not an Additional Skill Identifier (ASI) and should not be recorded in Total Army Personnel Data Base (or its successor) as such. Branch Skill...
Specialized skills identified by the ASI include operation and maintenance of specific weapon systems and subsystems, computer programming languages, procedures, analytical methods, animal...
Army SQI List Codes 2024 | Skill Qualification Identifiers
Army SQI, or Skill Qualification Identifiers, are codes the U.S. Army uses to identify a soldier’s specialized skills or qualifications outside their primary military occupational specialty (MOS). This ensures that each soldier’s additional abilities are recognized and can be utilized when necessary.
Specialized Skills Training For Soldiers | The Official Army …
The ASI and SQI are codes that identify the training a Soldier has attained and identifies training requirements required for a duty position (as identified in MTOE, TDA and Unit Status...
Army Officer Skill Identification Codes: A Complete List
Learn more about the Army Officer Skills Identification Codes (ASI). Read our complete list to see which ones you might qualify for.
It includes the use of SQI and ASI in classification of enlisted positions and personnel and the use of PDSI in classification of enlisted personnel. This publication is a complete compilation of authorized classification identifiers for enlisted personnel and standards for grading enlisted positions in authorization documents.
What Are the Army Additional Skill Identifiers? - LiveAbout
2024年8月28日 · In the Army, Additional Skill Identifiers (ASIs) show extra skills, training, and qualification a soldier may possess. These skills are in addition to their Military Occupation Specialty (MOS) classification. Some Army ASI's are awarded only to …
Additional Skill Identifier (Functional/STAMIS) Training
2017年2月15日 · Functional and Additional Skill Identifier (ASI) Course classrooms are located in the Logistics Training Department, Building 4225, A Avenue (A Avenue & 19th Street), Fort Gregg-Adams, VA....
Army ASI List: Specialize Your Military Career
Army Additional Skill Identifiers, or ASIs, are unique codes that highlight specialized skills and qualifications within the Army. They extend beyond the basic duties outlined in a soldier’s Military Occupational Specialty (MOS).