Welcome to Academic Information System, IIT Roorkee
The Academic Office exists to help facilitate, initiate and co-ordinate the academic work of the Institute, particularly the teaching and assessment of students. It acts as the repository of grades and academic records of all students, both past and present.
IIT Roorkee - Academic Information System
Academic Information System Test Mode for IIT Roorkee.
Welcome to Academic Information System, IIT Roorkee
Welcome to Academic Information System, IIT Roorkee. Login . Username. Password. Remember Me Username is the Enrollment No. in case of student login and Employee No. in case of Faculty. Home ...
IIT Roorkee - Online Academic Support and Information System
Developed & Maintained by Academic Affairs Office.
2024年3月22日 · 针对红外视频缺少纹理细节特征以致在人体行为识别中难以兼顾计算复杂度与识别准确率的问题,提出一种基于全局双线性注意力的红外视频行为识别方法。 为高效计算红外视频中的人体行为,设计基于两级检测网络的关节点提取模块来获得人体关节点信息,创新性地将所形成的关节点三维热图作为红外视频人体行为识别网络的输入特征;为了在轻量化计算的基础上进一步提升识别准确率,提出一种全局双线性注意力的三维卷积网络,从空间和通道两个维度提升注意 …
Institute Research Award
भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान रूड़की. Research Awards Nomination Portal IIT Roorkee Research Awards Guidelines
Academics - IIT Roorkee
From course registrations and curriculum planning to examinations and grading, the AAO diligently oversees every facet of the academic journey at IIT Roorkee, dedicated to upholding the institution's commitment to academic excellence and innovation.
Academics Login - IIT Roorkee
Click on the below link to navigate to the Academics Portal
40th annual meeting of the Astronomical Society of India (ASI
The ASI meeting is being held in hybrid mode at IIT Roorkee with in-person gathering of about 300 astronomers from all across India, and more than 400 astronomers joining virtually. There are over 140 scientific talks and 360 posters being presented at this meeting, from scientists based in universities as well as research institutes.
Student Login - IIT Roorkee
Login to access IIT Roorkee's student portal.