ASi Cable - simple and efficient power distribution
Distribute a lot of power easily, save plenty of assembly time and reduce costs at the same time – with the ASi cable, you benefit in many ways. Thanks to ASi piercing technology, modules can easily be connected, replaced, moved or added – with maximum contacting reliability.
ASi总线 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
ASi总线 拓扑主要有三种: 树状拓扑 (Tree Topology)、 单主多从拓扑 (Single Master/Multiple )、 轮询 (Cyclic polling)。此外还含有电源、安全监视器、诊断模块。 拓扑关系如心形、树形、线形,可以通过 耦合单元 (coupling module)实现。 2、MS/主从关系 3、Transmission ...
AS-Interface - Bihl+Wiedemann GmbH
AS-Interface (ASi) is a globally standardized fieldbus system for the first level of automation. The abbreviation ASi stands for Actuator-Sensor Interface. ASi connects sensors and actuators with a controller via a single two-core profile cable. The yellow ASi cable transmits power and data at …
ASI-Bus-总线电缆 - Caledonian Cables
ASI是遵循欧标EN 50295,国际标准IEC 62026-2的网络系统,用于最低一级的现场总线系统(二元的传感器和执行器)。 数据和能量通过非屏蔽、几何编码的两芯扁平电缆在控制装置和周边设备之间传输。 导体通过高端技术在ASI模块中连接。 特殊的外护套可以抗植物油,动物油脂,冷冻润滑剂,因此此类电缆适用于潮湿环境,机械设备,项目建设,也适用于机床装置和自动化工业等。 * ASI是AS-International Association公司的注册商标. ASI是遵循欧标EN 50295,国际标准IEC …
ASI Automation Systems Interconnect | Home | SourceASI.com
Source ASI for Automation Components. We offer complete product lines for circuit breakers, power supplies, battery backups, switches, transformers, power meters, push buttons, connectors, and more. ASI offers fast shipping, excellent customer service, and is here to answer your product questions.
什么是AS-i总线?它有哪些特点? - 知乎专栏
AS-i是英文"Actuator Sensor interface"的缩写,中文翻译为"传感器/执行器接口"。 AS-i总线采用主站/从站 (Master/Slave)通信的方式,这一点与IO-Link类似。 不过两者之间也有不同: 2、AS-i总线的构成与特点. AS-i是一种开放的国际总线标准,已被收录到国际标准 IEC 62026,它不依赖于具体的供应商。 一个AS-i总线网络由如下部分构成: 2.1、AS-i主站. AS-i主站是AS-i网络的主控单元,它具有如下一些功能: ①管理整个网络的数据,包括参数设置、诊断和监控; ②通过地址 …
ASi 电缆 - 简单,高效,成本低 - Bihl+Wiedemann GmbH
asi终端密封塞用于保护黄色以及黑色专用电缆的裸露端避免受到灰尘和湿气的侵害,最高防护等级可达到ip67。 密封塞还可以提高通讯的抗干扰能力。 我们提供了左右两个方向的版本。
UNITRONIC® Bus ASi FD Bus Cable Distributor - Lapp Tannehill
AS-i Bus, also known as Actuator Sensor Interface, is an industrial networking solution that is the alternative to hard wiring field devices. It is used to connect simple devices like actuators and sensors, on and off switches, push buttons and more in automation applications. Need a Quote?
The ASi bus cable is a two-core, flat fieldbus line for AS interface (Ac-tuator-Sensor Interface) and network systems of the lower field range. The data for ASi slaves, masters, repeaters, extenders and sensors are transferred through the unshielded, geometrically coded two-wire flat line.
Wiring Solutions | ASI
ASI Wiring Solutions: Secure, Efficient, and Reliable Connections ASI offers a comprehensive range of wiring solutions designed to provide secure and durable connections for industrial and automation applications. Our products ensure smooth electrical setups and include: Wire Ferrules – Secure wire terminations for reliable connections.
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