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Home Page - ASIMCO
ASIMCO is committed to providing high-quality products and offers an extensive range of brake pads, brake shoes, disc rotors, shock absorbers, and fuel pumps. Our reliable and long-lasting products give drivers a seamless experience throughout their journey.
ASIMCO Technologies - Wikipedia
ASIMCO Technologies is a large independent automotive components manufacturer headquartered in Beijing, China. With sales in excess of US$ 500 million, the company is one of the largest producers of automotive components in China, with 10 manufacturing operations, 52 sales offices and roughly 900 service stations across the People's Republic of ...
亚新科山西肇始于上世纪九十年代,致力于发动机缸体、缸盖、制动盘、制动毂、液压件、壳类件、高铁铸件、风电铸件的材料技术研发和生产应用,先后投资了近7亿元,形成年产10万吨(30万台套)中重型缸体缸盖的生产能力。 期待与您的合作. 亚新科山西同时为世界三大工程机械公司提供产品(美国卡特彼勒,日本小松,三一重工)、为世界知名的农机公司(美国约翰迪尔)提供产品。 用铁水铸造而成的物品统称为铸铁件。 铸铁件质量对机械产品的性能有很大影响,如内 …
ASIMCO Global Website
ASIMCO is committed to creating a healthy workplace that provides employee with the best possible environment for growth, allowing both employee and company to succeed and build a future together. with recognizable global impact.
ASIMCO Global Website_Company
ASIMCO is one of China's leading auto components manufacturers to provide high-quality and competitive components in domestic and global automotive markets. In 2016, ASIMCO Group was merged into ZMJ.
ASIMCO Global Website
Wir konzentrieren uns weiterhin auf Nutzfahrzeuge und Schwerlastmotoren. ASIMCO setzt sich besonders für ein mental und körperlich gesundes Arbeitsumfeld ein, fördert Mitarbeiterentwicklung und gemeinsame Gestaltung der Zukunft mit dem Unternehmen. Eine führende Automobilzulieferergruppe in China mit globalen Einfluss.
减震产品,密封产品-亚新科噪声与振动技术 (安徽)有限公司
亚新科噪声与振动技术(安徽)有限公司成立于1994年8月,由亚新科工业技术有限公司在宁国市投资成立,注册资本29920万元人民币。 2005年亚新科安徽调整产品战略,进入NVH及高端密封产品领域,2013年成立安徽亚新科密封技术有限公司,2017年加入郑州煤矿机械集团股份有限公司。 公司拥有一个省级技术中心和三个生产制造基地,分别位于宁国市经济技术开发区河沥园区和宁国 …
Asimco USA Home
ASIMCO brakes, including ASIMCO brake pads and ASIMCO brake shoe, registered as an international brand aiming at global market that has been highly recognized for excellent quality since it was established in 2001.