ASIMO - Wikipedia
ASIMO (Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility) [1] is a humanoid robot created by Honda in 2000. In 2002, there were 20 units of the first ASIMO model produced; [ 2 ] three different ASIMO models subsequently followed.
What we learned from ASIMO | Honda Robotics | Honda Global
ASIMO presented the vision for “people’s daily lives with robots.” Through the development of ASIMO, Honda has gained the prospect of realizing the physical capabilities needed for robots to operate in a living environment with people, with the capability to replicate some human functions through engineering.
再见了,ASIMO!它曾是世界最先进的类人机器人 - 知乎
22年前,本田公司第一次向世界展示了自己的人形机器人asimo,其呆萌的外表和流畅的行走方式,让世人震惊。 自首次亮相后,迅速成为日本家喻户晓的“大明星”,圈粉无数~ 之所以如此招人喜欢,是因为在那个年代,它…
ASIMO - 百度百科
ASIMO - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
asimo(日语: アシモ )是日本 本田技研工業所開發的類人型機器人,站立時約130公分,重54公斤。 ASIMO外型酷似一位背著背包的 太空人 ,而且可以時速6 公里 的速度前進。
Honda ASIMO 机器人介绍 - 雪球
2025年2月2日 · ASIMO 可以实现稳定的双足步行,最高时速可达9 km/h,并能灵活转向、上楼梯、单脚跳跃等。 采用了 ZMP(零力矩点)控制理论,使其能够在各种地形上保持平衡。
Honda Debuts New Humanoid Robot "ASIMO" - Honda Global
2000年11月20日 · Honda's new robotic walking technology adds a sophisticated "predicted movement control" feature to the walking control technology of earlier Honda robots. As a result, ASIMO walks more smoothly, more flexibly, and more naturally, with …
Asimo - ROBOTS: Your Guide to the World of Robotics
A second-generation Asimo debuted in 2005. In November 2011, Honda unveiled an improved design, which it called "all-new Asimo." With enhanced physical capabilities, the new Asimo was capable of running backwards, continuously jumping up and down, and even hopping on one foot.
生日快乐ASIMO | 本田机械人“ASIMO”简史 - 知乎
asimo采用的镁合金机体坚固而轻巧,外表由塑料“皮肤”覆盖,重量仅为惊人的52公斤。 被称为“Predicted Movement Control(行动控制预测)”技术使ASIMO能够自动预测其下一个运动并转移其重量。
Robotics / ASIMO - Honda Newsroom
Honda's ASIMO is first robot to ring bell at NYSE.