如何理解波动方程的解的表达式(附描述)? - 知乎
若原点处是简谐振动 f(t) = A sin(\omega t) , 则波函数 y(x,t)=f(t-\frac{x}{v}) = Asin(\omega(t -\frac{x}{v})) = A sin(\omega t - kx) , k = \frac{w}{v} 。 从波函数出发我们就可以推导出波动方 …
Direction of Wave: Asin(kx+wt) & Asin(kx-wt) - Physics Forums
2010年4月12日 · In case of Asin (wt+kx), the crest moves according to wt+kx=pi/2, that is x=pi/ (2k)-w/k*t, in the negative direction. Why does Asin (kx)sin (wt) represent a standing wave? Is …
Traveling Wave Equation $\sin (kx-wt)$ vs $\sin (wt-kx)$
2017年8月15日 · Using $\sin (kx-\omega t)$ or $\sin (\omega t-kx)$ does not make a difference: it is just a matter of convention. You can very legitimately change $A\sin (kx-\omega t)$ to $ …
Sinusoidal Wave Displacement Function - Physics Stack Exchange
sinusoida functions is a function containing sin like y= Asin(kx+wt) and cosinusoidal are the ones like y=Acos(kx+wt)
【技术美术】GerstnerWave原理详解(文末源码) - 知乎
Asin (kx- {\omega}t)\\k=\frac {2\pi} {l}\\ 波长 l 的含义就是两个波峰波谷间的长度,此处的 w 也仅作为速度使用,后面会拓展其含义. 至此我们在Unity URP下实现一下上述正弦波。 我们 …
Traveling and Standing Wave Equations - Physics Forums
2017年2月22日 · If you have the two waves moving in opposite directions, sin(kx+wt)+sin(kx-wt), and move your time reference by a quarter phase, each wave moves by a quarter phase but in …
what is correct wave equation y=A sin (wt-kx) or y=Asin (kx-wt ...
2016年2月16日 · y=A sin (wt-kx) or y=Asin (kx-wt) ??? & -ve x-direction ??? Consider a particle O, situated at the origin. It performs a S.H.M. of amplitude A, angular frequency ω and …
Transverse speed of a wave - Physics Stack Exchange
2017年9月12日 · Equation of a wave is : $$y=Asin (kx-wt)$$ What is the maximum transverse speed? To answer this we take the derivative of the above equation. $$dy/dt =v= Acos (kx-wt). …
Derivation of y(x,t)=Asin(kx-wt) - Physics Forums
2009年10月7日 · Can someone show, or explain with a diagram, how y(x,t)=Asin(kx-wt) is a solution of the wave equation. In particular how for a given (y) value that (kx-wt) is a constant.
What's the difference between Asin(wt-kx) and Asin(kx-wt)
2023年12月17日 · The form A·sin(kx-ωt) fits that better, with the spatial part positive and the time part negative. If, on the other hand, you have a time-dependent source f(t), it may make more …