Asish Pal - Google Scholar
A Pal, M Malakoutikhah, G Leonetti, M Tezcan, M Colomb-Delsuc, ... Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 54 (27), 7852-7856. Synthesis and properties of novel nanocomposites made of single-walled …
Institute of Nano Science and Technology
Surface-Engineered Mucus Penetrating Nucleic Acid Delivery Systems with Cell Penetrating Peptides for the Lungs , Anupama Kumari, Simanti Pal, Betsy Resma G, Franklin P Mohny, …
Prof Asish Pal - IRINS
Development of supramolecular polymeric hydrogel based biomaterials for ECM mimick and tissue engineering, Stimuli-responsive materials for controlled release and delivery, Dynamic …
Asish PAL | Institute of Nano Science and Technology, Mohali
Asish PAL | Cited by 1,696 | of Institute of Nano Science and Technology, Mohali (INST) | Read 48 publications | Contact Asish PAL
Topochemical polymerization in self-assembled rodlike micelles of ...
Rod-like micelles, formed from bolaamphiphiles with oligo (ethylene oxide) hydrophilic outer segments and a hydrophobic segment with diacetylene flanked by two urea moieties, were …
Asish Pal (0000-0002-6158-1158) - ORCID
ORCID record for Asish Pal. ORCID provides an identifier for individuals to use with their name as they engage in research, scholarship, and innovation activities.
Publications | Mysite 2
Controlling the Structure and Length of Self-synthesizing Supramolecular Polymers through Nucleated Growth and Disassembly: Asish Pal, Morteza Malakoutikhah, Giulia Leonetti, Meniz …
Institute of Nano Science and Technology
Photochemically Sequestered Off-Pathway Dormant States of Peptide Amphiphiles for Predictive On-Demand Piezoresponsive Nanostructures: , Deepika Gupta, Ashish Bhatt, Varun …
Asish Pal - Semantic Scholar
2007年7月30日 · Semantic Scholar profile for Asish Pal, with 8 highly influential citations and 55 scientific research papers.
Asish PAL | Research profile
Corporate, government, or NGO researcher. Technology or product developers, R&D specialists, and government or NGO employees in scientific roles. Medical. Health care professionals, …