S.2285 - Native American Housing Assistance and Self …
Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Reauthorization Act of 2023. This bill provides federal housing assistance to Indians and Native Hawaiians. Specifically, the bill …
II 118TH CONGRESS 1ST SESSION S. 2285 To reauthorize the Native American Housing Assistance and Self- Determination Act of 1996. IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES …
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S2285 CRYAN, ZWICKER 3 1 and is owned and used by the claimant as the claimant's principal 2 residence; 3 (4) for purposes of this definition as provided in this subsection, 4 in addition to …
Text of S. 2285 (118th): Native American Housing ... - GovTrack.us
2023年7月12日 · To reauthorize the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 1996. 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the Native American Housing Assistance …
Legislative Research: NJ S2285 | 2022-2023 | Regular Session
Allows property tax rebate for disabled veterans. Provides paid leave without utilizing accumulated leave time for local government employees under certain circumstances. Requires electric …
NY State Senate Bill 2025-S2285
2025年1月16日 · 2025-S2285 (ACTIVE) - Summary Requires the establishment of a composting program at the state university of New York, the city university of New York and institutions …
6 •S 2285 IS 1 (2) URBAN WATERS FEDERAL PARTNERSHIP 2 STEERING COMMITTEE.— 3 (A) ESTABLISHMENT.— 4 (i) IN GENERAL.—The Administrator 5 shall establish a steering …
S2285 | Massachusetts 2025-2026 | An Act to establish standards …
2025年2月27日 · Massachusetts S2285 An Act to establish standards for the pole attachment process to facilitate the construction of broadband networks +
Cryptotanshinone (Tanshinone C) | 隐丹参酮 | STAT 抑制剂 | 现货 …
目录号:S2285 Purity: 99.75% Cryptotanshinone (Tanshinone C)是一种 STAT3 抑制剂,无细胞试验中 IC50 为4.6 μM,强烈抑制STAT3 Tyr705磷酸化,对STAT3 Ser727作用效果弱, …
S2285 | New Jersey 2020-2021 | Provides paid leave without …
New Jersey S2285 Provides paid leave without utilizing accumulated leave time for local government employees under certain circumstances. +