ASK2ME™ - All Syndromes Known to Man Evaluator™
Use the ASK2ME calculator to determine risk and management for most cancer susceptibility genes. Understand the cancer risk of pathogenic variants (Mutations), and their management.
"ask me " 和 "ask to me " 和有什么不一样? | HiNative
ask me 和 ask to me 有什么区别? 如果难以说明的话,请教我一下例句。 Non puoi mai dire "ask to me.” Dì sempre "Ask me.” Questo vale solo per "ask". “Ask” is an exception to the norm. We …
grammaticality - "Ask me anything" and "Ask anything to me"
The verb ask takes an indirect object and a direct object, and the indirect object cannot usually be moved to an oblique phrase with to. So the following are correct: Ask me anything. If you ask …
【ask 用法】一分鐘了解「ask」各種英文用法! – 全民學英文
2019年11月13日 · ask for 這個英文片語,意思是要求、請求的意思。 例:A man was asking for you this morning. 今天早上有人來找你。 You’re asking for trouble. 你在自找麻煩。 ask 後面也 …
ASK2ME™ - All Syndromes Known to Man Evaluator™
Enter the gene that has a pathogenic mutation, the age, and gender of the patient to calculate the risk of future cancers. Show 95% confidence intervals? Computations are provided by the Risk …
Ask me or Ask to me? - TextRanch
2025年1月15日 · Learn the correct usage of "Ask me " and "Ask to me" in English. Discover differences, examples, alternatives and tips for choosing the right phrase.
【ask me 】 と 【ask to me 】 はどう違います ... - HiNative
"ask to me" は決して言えません。常に "Ask me" と言ってください。これは "ask" のみに当てはまります。 英語では: 「ask」を使う場合、「ask to her」とは言えないので、「to」を省 …
"ask to" 和 "ask for" 和 "ask of" 的差別在哪裡? | HiNative
I ask you to help me work on this project. I am asking for time off work. I would ask of you to help me finish this job so it can be completed faster.
What is the difference between "ask me " and "ask to me
2020年4月1日 · You could say, “I ask the question of Mary,” but it’s more common to simply say “ I ask Mary the question.” So if you need to use “to” in your sentence,( specifically to someone …
英语。ask to 和 ask for的意思和辨析 - 百度知道
ask最普通用词,指向对方提出要求或请求,长、晚辈,上下级之间都可使用。 beg指恳切地或再三地请求或要求,常含低三下四意味,也多用于应酬场合。 demand一般指理直气壮地提出强 …
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