Apple Scar Skin Viroid - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
ASSVd is the type species of the genus Apscaviroid (family Pospiviroidae). This viroid is the etiological agent of two apple diseases: apple scar skin and dapple apple (Di Serio et al., 2018). ASSVd causes serious yield losses in apples, and affected fruits are significantly downgraded or unmarketable (Di Serio et al., 2017).
Identification of the herbaceous host range of
2013年7月18日 · Apple scar skin viroid (ASSVd) is the type member of the genus Apscaviroid of the family Pospiviroidae and is known to cause scarring and dappling of apple fruits. The herbaceous host range of ASSVd was identified using an infectious dimeric clone. Among 13 plant species inoculated with the viroid, nine were found to …
Apple scar skin viroid naked RNA is actively transmitted by the ...
The ability of Tv to acquire and transmit ASSVd was then tested by allowing approximately 50 whiteflies to feed on ASSVd-infected cucumber and bean plants for a period of 48 h; the total RNA isolated from 20-25 whiteflies tested positive for ASSVd via RT-PCR. For further confirmation, viroidliferous (viroid-positive) whiteflies were allowed to ...
苹果锈皮类病毒 - 百度百科
ASSVd在苹果上引起的斑纹症状与苹果皱果病相似,后者也可能是类病毒病害。苹果皱果病在苹果Ohrin品种上引起皱果症状,在红星(Starking Delicious)水果上无症状,仅引起树皮疱斑状,以此可与苹果锈皮病相区别(Koganezawa 等,1989)。
First detection and molecular characterization of new
2012年5月28日 · Apple scar skin viroid (ASSVd) is one of the most destructive viroids of pome fruit. We report 12 new sequence variants of ASSVd from apple and pear trees in north-eastern Iran. The Iranian variants ranged in size from 329 to 334 nucleotides. They formed a cluster distinct from other reported ASSVd isolates, and showed sequence variations in specific regions of the viroid RNA. This is the ...
ASSVd obtained from Mid-Autumn King is type 4 (100%). There are 2 types in Xin Nonghong, type 1 (83.3%) is the main type. There are 3 types in Xin Nonghuang, type 1 (62.5%) is the main type. 【Conclusion】Seventeen variants from 7 cultivars are divided into 6 types according to the 8 variation base sites of ASSVd nt 0-3, 221, 251, 284, and ...
新疆桃树上苹果锈果类病毒(ASSVd)的检测与全序列分析-【维普期 …
摘要 在以往研究苹果和梨assvd的基础上,利用rt-pcr技术对新疆的桃树进行了检测,检测过程中首次发现桃树上有assvd类病毒的存在,利用rt-pcr技术分别获得了其全长序列,通过回收克隆测序,发现桃树苹果锈果类病毒基因组...
Biological Properties of Apple Scar Skin Viroid: Isolates ... - PubMed
Studies conducted over the last 10 years have revealed that the disease caused by the apple scar skin viroid (ASSVd) is extremely rare in Europe. ASSVd was detected by molecular hybridization and indexing in field plots on the apple indicators Starkrimson and Indo, which showed symptoms of …
Biological Properties of Apple Scar Skin Viroid: Isolates, Host …
2007年2月23日 · ABSTRACT Studies conducted over the last 10 years have revealed that the disease caused by the apple scar skin viroid (ASSVd) is extremely rare in Europe. ASSVd was detected by molecular hybridization and indexing in field plots on the apple indicators Starkrimson and Indo, which showed symptoms of dapple apple disease within 2 years, and rough scarred skin within 3 years, respectively ...
新疆桃树上苹果锈果类病毒(ASSVd)的检测与全序列分析 - 豆丁网
桃树上有ASSVd类病毒的存存,利用RT—PCR技术分别获得了其全长序列,通过 回收克隆测序,发现桃树苹果锈果 类病毒基因组长为331nt,将克隆测序结果在GenBank中登录,获得了桃树上的10 条ASSVd的序列登录号为: EU031477~EU031486为快速鉴定桃树苹果锈果类病毒奠定了良好基础.
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