Asthma Control Questionnaire (ACQ) - American Thoracic Society
A simple questionnaire to measure the adequacy of asthma control and change in asthma control which occurs either spontaneously or as a result of treatment. Number of items 7 items; 1 week recall (for items on symptoms and rescue inhaler use)
ACQ5 – Asthma Control Questionnaire (12+) - Asthma Australia
The Asthma Control Questionnaire (ACQ5) is a valuable tool that can help you assess how well your patients’ asthma is under control. WHY USE THE ACQ5? The ACQ5 is a simple, 5-question survey that can provide you with valuable insights into …
International guidelines for the treatment of asthma have identified that the primary clinical goal of asthma management is to optimise asthma control (minimisation of symptoms, activity limitation, bronchoconstriction and rescue β 2 -agonist use) and thus reduce the risk of life-threatening exacerbations and long-term morbidity.
Questionnaires - Severe Asthma Toolkit
2022年10月3日 · The Asthma Control Questionnaire (ACQ-7) is commonly used in research and clinical practice. Questionnaires may be useful to document a patient’s asthma symptom control and quality of life at initial presentation and changes in response to treatment.
Asthma Assessment Resources - Severe Asthma Toolkit
2022年11月15日 · The ACQ-5 assesses asthma control using the 5-item ACQ-5 questionnaire (Juniper et al. 2005). Alternatively, the ACQ-7 also includes assessment of FEV 1 and daily rescue medication use. An ACQ score <0.75 indicates well-controlled asthma, and >1.5 indicates poorly controlled asthma.
Asthma Control Assessment Tools | Respiratory Care
2024年12月17日 · The ACQ is another multidimensional, standardized, patient-centered test and is the most widely used asthma control assessment tool in clinical trials. 14,40,47 The ACQ was developed specifically to quantify levels of asthma control defined by international guidelines (ie, the British Thoracic Society 1990 guidelines for management of asthma in ...
The Asthma Control Questionnaire as a clinical trial endpoint: …
This analysis provides a summary of the use of ACQ in phase II, III and IV asthma trials. Comparisons between the ACQ and other instruments are also presented. Our analysis suggests that the ACQ is a valid and robust measure for use as …
Circle the number of the response that best describes how you have been during the past week. 1. On average, during the past week, how often were you woken by your asthma during the night? 2. On average, during the past week, how bad were your asthma symptoms when you …
Asthma Control Questionnaire - Mapi Research Trust
The ACQ (Asthma Control Questionnaire) was published in 1999. Electronic administration of the ACQ is licensed by Mapi Research Trust through this page. Other ACQ versions available through this page: ACQ-5 (ACQ Symptoms only), ACQ-6 (ACQ Question 1 - 6 only: question 7 (FEV1) omitted), ACQ-IA (ACQ Interviewer-Administered, for children 6-10 ...
Asthma Control - Asthma Australia
The Asthma Control Questionnaire has been validated by Clinical Trial for adults and is undergoing further testing for all children 7-17 years. It is a recognised clinical asthma symptom measurement tool within the Australian Asthma Handbook Guidelines, 2022 and internationally.