Understanding the HS-25 Classification - StormTank
2016年1月4日 · In that respect, HS-25 is an interpretation of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) HL93 truckload and is defined as being 20% higher than the HS-20 design truckload. Let’s take a deeper look:
An “H20” truck only has one axle under the trailer and a total load of 40,000 pounds. An “H25” or an “HS25” series truck will be almost identical – except the drive axle will be 10,000 pounds and the axle(s) under the trailer will be 40,000 pounds each. HL-93 - Design Vehicular loading per the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications.
AASHTO H-20/HS-20 Loading Specifications & Differences
What is H-20/HS-20 Loading? AASHTO’s H-20 and HS-20 are live load ratings applied to the design of bridges or other suspended items (e.g. lids for concrete vaults). Because the pavers sit on a flat aggregate surface, they are not subject to the same bending moments and shear, and therefore will not collapse under the applied loads.
Part I: Thats a load ... off my mind. - - Contech Engineered Solutions
An “H25” or an “HS25” series truck will be almost identical – except the drive axle will be 10,000 pounds and the axle (s) under the trailer will be 40,000 pounds each. Figure 1 below illustrates the axle load and spacing breakdown for both HS20 and HS25 design trucks.
Difference between HS-25 and HS20-44? - Eng-Tips
2015年1月26日 · HS25 is a 45T truck with the same axle configuration as HS-20. It came about 20 or so years ago to address the presence of heavier trucks and tandem vehicles. The decision to use HS-25 or HS-20 is up to the bridge owner. However, if you're designing a new bridge the requirement may very well be HL-93.
Understanding Cover-Load Ratings - IWConsultingService
2017年6月13日 · AASHTO has established the following categories for weight limits for regular vehicular traffic: H20/HS20 = 16,000-lb wheel load, 32,000-lb axle. H25/HS25 = 20,000-lb wheel load, 40,000-lb axle. Covers designed to meet the basic requirements for these loads need only be tested with a proof load to meet these minimums.
HS-25分类StormTank暴风水管理 - body-blitz.com
布伦特伍德风暴Tank模块25系列 提供基于测试负载的下列抗因数: 布伦特伍德StormTank模块25序列,按重卡车或防火通路等极端应用量排载,提供最大强度同时允许使用贵重土地可灵活设计以满足应用需求 并完全解决暴水调控需求 见HS-25测试求解
Understanding AASHTO - NPCA
2011年4月12日 · As a result, some engineers have required an “HS25” truck load rating for underground precast structures. This rating has been interpreted as being 25% higher than the HS20 truck load.
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CFS Presentation.HS-25 Loading Table