ASTR 202 Course | York College Catalog
ASTR. Catalog Number. 202. Course Title. Stars and the Milky Way. Department(s) Earth & Physical Sciences Description. A scientific introduction to the stars and our home galaxy. …
ASTR 202 - Astronomy - Modern Campus Catalog™
An introduction to astronomy with a lab to illustrate data collection and analysis in astronomy. 201: theories of the solar system from models for ancient calendars to data from recent space …
General Education | Steward Observatory - University of Arizona
ASTR 202 -- Life in the Universe (3 units) Description: The main goal for students in this course is to have fun learning about the possibilities for life in the Universe and, in the process, gain an …
University of California Santa Cruz - ASTR - Astronomy and
Introduction to research for first-year students interested in physics and astrophysics. Students complete projects in small groups with scientists. Introduces techniques for collaboration; …
University of California Santa Cruz - ASTR202 - UCSC
2023-24 UCSC General Catalog > Courses > ASTR - Astronomy and Astrophysics > Graduate > ASTR 202. Astronomy and Astrophysics ASTR 202 ...
ASTR 202 - Introduction to Astrophysics - Coursicle
ASTR 202 at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC) in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Pre- or corequisite, PHYS 119. This introductory astrophysics course will focus on the use of …
ASTR 202 - Introduction to Modern Astronomy - Modern Campus …
A basic course elaborating on topics briefly covered in ASTR 101 including black holes, pulsars, planetary structure, galactic structure, radio and x-ray astronomy. A major portion of the …
ASTR 202 -- Galactic Astronomy - University of British Columbia
ASTR 202 -- Galactic Astronomy. Official course webpage. Pick up marked Assignment 6 (and older unclaimed assignments) from the box ouside Hennings 332. Approximate list of material …
Syllabus For Astr 202 take "The Physical Universe" before this course. You must be in the Honors College to be in this section. The concepts of simple geophysics, basic chemistry, and …
Department of Astronomy and Space Science - ASTR 202
Astr 201 Objectives of the course : The aim of this course is to give some astronomical knowledge about celestial objects and physical and dynamical properties of the stars .