Body of light - Wikipedia
The body of light, sometimes called the 'astral body' [a] or the 'subtle body,' [b] is a "quasi material" [1] aspect of the human body, being neither solely physical nor solely spiritual, posited by a number of philosophers, and elaborated on according to various esoteric, occult, and mystical teachings.
Mars in Astrology: Strength & Energy • Astrologify
2025年1月16日 · Mars is known for stimulating action and inspiring you to follow your impulses. Transiting Mars can encourage you to act on your urges. Mars in the Natal Chart can indicate an impulsive personality.
Mars - AnthroWiki
The Mars sphere, on the outer boundary of which the physical planet Mars makes its orbits, is the dominion of the Spirits of Motion, who were the masters of the Old Moon evolution and gave man his astral body. The leading Archangel of the Mars Sphere is Samael. Until about the 16th century Mars was in descending development.
Mars in Astrology - Esoteric Meanings
2020年5月1日 · This article discusses the role of Mars in Astrology, its rulership, dignity, exaltation and fall, and also its role in the evolution of the soul. The strong Martian ray is easy to recognise in its purely physical manifestations, but becomes more complex and subtle as the solar energy is transmuted to the astral, mental and higher planes.
星光体(Astral Body),是人的第四层气场(能量体),从身体扩展出约15〜30 公分,详见《超视觉看到的气场》。 在鲁道夫•斯坦纳 (Rudolf Steiner)的著作里,星光体被译为星芒体(Astral Body)。
Mars - Astrodienst Astrowiki
Mars is the traditional ruler of Scorpio (Pluto being the modern ruler) and the sole ruler of Aries. It is in detriment in Libra and Taurus, exalted in Capricorn, and falls in Cancer. In traditional astrology Mars is considered to be malefic. The male sexual organs are associated with Mars, together with muscles, blood and arteries.
Astral/ Emotional Body - Alchemy Realm
The astral body is the main hindrance to spiritual awakening and is the most important body to be cleared before higher forces can be incarnated. If you have poor posture, a weakened etheric and weak physical parts as described above the only way for …
Esoteric Astrology - The Planets - Mars
Mars is associated with the solar plexus centre, the source of the astral-desire body of the personality, and is thus thoroughly linked with the passions of the five senses. For the person who is mounting the Fixed Cross, Mars brings about those tests and trials which are so much a part of the life of the Disciple and reveals the connection the ...
Mars in Astrology
Mars is the push that gets us out of bed in the morning, our drive and desire nature, and our active energy. When we are "acting out" our Mars, we are assertive, directed, forthright, and adventurous. On the negative side, we can be impulsive, rash, impatient, aggressive, and forceful. Mars: Planet of Passion. Mars is the action planet of the ...
Exploring Mars in Astrology: Unleashing its Power
In astrology, Mars is often associated with the “masculine” qualities of power and aggression. Mars represents physical strength as well as our ability to take action and assert ourselves. It also represents sexuality and passion.