ASU Homepage | Arizona State University
At Arizona State University, you'll join a community that will help you explore your interests and learn new skills. Through quality academics, enrichment opportunities and support from friends and faculty, you'll graduate prepared to accomplish your goals throughout your life.
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Home | ASU Students
Arizona State University is a top-ranked research university in the greater Phoenix metropolitan area.
Apply | Admission | ASU - Arizona State University
Arizona State University offers full- and part-time students 400+ four-year undergraduate degree programs on four campuses, through ASU Online and at locations throughout Arizona, California and more. We look forward to receiving and reviewing your ASU application.
Arizona State University Library
ASU Library is home to seven university libraries, providing students and scholars access to millions of information resources, quiet study and collaborative research spaces, world-class collections and a suite of learning and research support services.
Careers at ASU | Arizona State University
The Office of University Rights and Responsibilities (OURR) reviews concerns and allegations regarding discrimination or harassment. Director of Office of University Rights and Responsibilities Email: [email protected] Phone: 480-965-5057. For more information, read …
Academic Calendar | University Registrar Services | ASU
The Arizona State University academic calendar outlines the dates and deadlines for fall, spring and summer classes.
Academic Catalog | Arizona State University
ASU Accreditation. All ASU academic programs are fully accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. The institution has been continuously accredited by the Higher Learning Commission since 1931.
Starbucks College Achievement Plan | ASU Starbucks
Receive 100% coverage at Arizona State University with the Starbucks College Achievement Plan
ASU Athletics | Arizona State University
Our student-athletes, more than 600 of them, proudly represent ASU while competing on a global stage. Our Sun Devils have gone on to become household names on NBA courts, play in the Super Bowl, win the Masters and compete for Olympic gold.