G20AJ - Support - ASUS
3 天之前 · By registering your device, you can easily manage your product warranty, get technical support and keep track of your repair status. Need Help? Products certified by the Federal Communications Commission and Industry Canada will be …
Asus Republic of Gamers G20 (G20AJ-US009S) Review - PCMag
2014年10月27日 · The Asus Republic of Gamers G20 ($1,179 as tested) is an attractive gaming desktop that doesn't look like an average mini tower. Instead, resembles a gaming console, or better yet, a prop out of...
空間與效能的完美配置 華碩ROG G20電競桌機實測 - Mobile01
2014年10月2日 · 在外盒上有印著這款G20主機的幾個特色,包含了ECO省電功能、內建獨立顯示卡、可切換最多8百萬種燈色、支援SonicMaster音效技術以及提供100GB容量的ASUS WebStorage雲端空間。
G20AJ Gaming Performance - Republic of Gamers - ROG
2015年2月19日 · The G20AJ is ROG's small form factor system that condenses a full gaming rig into a tiny 12.5 liter custom designed chassis. The 'AJ' features up to an Nvidia GTX 980 GPU, which we're testing here, in addition to an Intel Core i7 4970 quad-core CPU, 16GB DDR3 of memory and SSD/HDD storage.
ASUS ROG GR8 / G20 - Look Small. Play Big. Game On
G20 has a sophisticated, highly integrated case and comes with customizable lighting effects showcasing up to 8 million colors to match your mood! A one-stop gaming and entertainment system, the ROG G20 is set to dominate the field of small-form-factor gaming desktops.
主机的最强竞争对手 — 华硕 玩家国度 ROG G20AJ 小型游戏PC_ …
2017年8月20日 · 华硕旗下的高端游戏产品系列玩家国度——ROG 也不甘示弱,在2014年便推出了G20小型游戏主机,其体积向第一代PS4和XBOX ONE靠拢,但却拥有完全碾压上述主机的强大硬件性能(当然没有主机独占游戏)。 其实放个手柄就真的会误以为它是一台主机.
Asus ROG G20AJ Reviews, Pros and Cons - TechSpot
2021年5月18日 · Asus ROG G20 is ultimate gaming PC that looks great and performs well. The machine enhances your gaming with its fine keyboard and its different lights adds beauty to it.
極致小體積,專屬於電競玩家的電競桌機 ASUS ROG G20 開箱評 …
2015年6月11日 · 這次好手要和大家介紹的是華碩 電競桌機 ROG G20 (ROG G20BM),在小小 12.5 公升的主機內,搭載了 AMD A10 處理器以及高階 Radeon R9 270 繪圖卡,同時也具備一顆 100GB 的 SSD 以及大容量3.5 吋硬碟。 為了滿足玩家的需求,華碩在 G20 主機內也做了重新規劃,讓小主機也能有良好的散熱能力,進而擺脫小主機=低效能的刻板印象。 因為機身只有約 10 公分的厚度,讓 ROG G20 可以塞入一個不算厚重的紙箱內。 從外盒可以看到 R20 磨砂質感的 …
How do I replace a power adapter for Asus ROG G20A.
2016年2月12日 · My questions are: What power adapter does the ASUS ROG G20AJ-US023S use? Where can I get one or a compatible one, since Asus doesn't (according to them) sell any? I am having trouble determining which online listings might refer to something functionally identical.
Best Possible Graphics Card Upgrade for G20 (G20AJ-B09) - Asus
2015年4月3日 · Hello everyone, I just purchased my i7-4790 version of the G20 compact gaming desktop, the one with 16GB of RAM. I've seen threads with people trying to upgrade the G20's and I've noticed that some people have had trouble installing their upgraded graphics card, mainly with the limited space in the PC.