RT-N12+ B1|WiFi Routers|ASUS Global
ASUS RT-N12+ B1 is a 300Mbps Wireless N Router with both wired and wireless network connections designed specifically for small business and home office networking use. With 2T2R MIMO Technology and the external high-performance antenna, the RT-N12+ B1 creates an extended coverage area with advanced wireless performance, making it ideal for ...
RT-N12E|WiFi Routers|ASUS Global
ASUS RT-N12E supports 802.11 b/g/n and has 300 Mbps high speed. With CD free easy installation and stable data transmission, RT-N12E is the basic solution for wireless internet setup. It also contents Green WLAN technology so it consumes less power during stand by mode.
ASUS N300 WiFi Router (RT-N12_D1) - 3 in 1 Wireless Internet …
With 2T2R MIMO technology and two detachable 5dBi high-gain antennas, the RT-N12 uses the latest antenna innovation for extended wireless coverage range, making it ideal for streaming HD video, placing VoIP calls, and other essential Internet tasks.
﹝開箱﹞開心分享~ASUS RT-N10 高速無線路由器~超簡易設定管 …
2010年1月14日 · rt-n10。」當下就決定買了這台無線ip分享器囉。 包裝內容很簡單,包含了變壓器、使用手冊、光碟片、網路線、vip保固卡、可拆式天線,當然還有一台rt-n10囉。 加上它是黑色機殼,裝上天線後看起來還挺帥的!
- [PDF]
RT-N12 系列 - Asus
•rt-n12 系列路由器包含 rt-n12 d1 與 rt-n12 hp 兩種型號。本手冊 內容同時適用于兩款路由器。 •若以上列出的任何一項配件有損壞或是短缺的情形,請儘快聯繫華碩技 術支持。您可以參考用戶手冊後部的華碩技術支持熱線。
[開箱] Asus RT-N16 SuperSpeed N 無線寬頻路由器 - Mobile01
2009年11月3日 · 今天剛拿到手~先來個簡單外觀分享。 體積剛好是Corega N80 的一倍大。 白色霧面+銀色環繞的外殼,整體質感是我買過機子之中最好的。 無直立架,也沒送東西,Made in China ~~ 有點小失望。 4個 GigaLan。 128M DDR2 記憶體,Broadcom 晶片。 會入手這台也是看上它那恐怖的300,000 Session 數。 (心中OS: 再給我當看看,我就讓他印上US 9號的天蠶腳......) 以硬體規格來看,入手價3900元,不用4千元的價格算是非常超值了。 我想安裝和介面不用介 …
ASUS 華碩 RT-N12+B1 Wireless-N300 無線路由器 - PChome …
ASUS 華碩 RT-N12+B1 Wireless-N300 無線路由器 - ASUS, ★三年保固,三年換新,免費本島到府收送10-30坪/訊號最穩不斷線★傳輸速率:300Mbsp,可相容802.11g、11b★支援WPS以及QoS,保障連線品質順暢★兩個外部5dBi天線廣泛覆蓋率★自動偵測網路連線類型,簡易設定★2支5dBi大天線 ...
Your ASUS Wireless Router comes with an intuitive web graphical user interface (GUI) that allows you to easily configure its various features through a web browser such as Internet Explorer, Firefox,
ASUS RT-N10E 150Mbps Wireless-N 無線路由器 - ruifrost.com
ASUS RT-N10E 150Mbps Wireless-N 無線路由器. 華碩 RT-N10E 支援802.11 b / g / n並提供150Mbps高速無線傳輸。RT-N10E 提供簡易的免光碟安裝和穩定的數據傳輸速率,是無線網路設定的基本解決方案。它還採用Green WLAN技術,因此可減少待機模式的耗電量。 節能省電
RT-N12 D1|WiFi Routers|ASUS Global
The RT-N12 is a 300Mbps Wireless N Router with both wired and wireless network connections designed specifically for small business and home office networking use. With 2T2R MIMO Technology and two detachable 5dBi high gain antennas, the RT-N12 creates a an extended coverage area with advanced wireless performance, making it ideal for streaming ...