Schleicher ASW 19 - Wikipedia
The ASW 19 is a single-seat glider built by Alexander Schleicher GmbH & Co, first flying in 1975. It was originally designed as a Standard Class glider, but now mainly competes in the Club Class. The ASW 19 is known for its pleasant handling and some clubs use it as a training glider. It was succeeded by the all-new Schleicher ASW 24.
ASW 19 / ASW 19 B - ASSegelflug
For the ASW 19 Gerhard Waibel used the ASW 15 B wing, although with structural changes. In addition, the wing profile in the root region had to be adapted to the new, more streamlined …
Schleicher ASW-19B
2024年2月9日 · Ready for Cross-Country and competition. Roomy cockpit, suitable for large and tall pilots. Handles very well, climbs great, easy, and forgiving. A joy to fly. Relatively low time glider. Tinted Canopy is in excellent condition. Gelcoat – wings and fuse in excellent condition. Hasn't been flown much in 18 years. Chin tow hook.
ASW-19B - Wings and Wheels
Roller skate tail wheel conversion done, and a new canopy was installed recently. An upper wing surface refinish was done in polyurethane about 5 years ago, and still look great! The tail boom, vertical stab, and rudder, have some checkering. The Bryan tube trailer is in nice condition, with added adjustable Cobra style ramp.
ASW 19 - rcawsey.co.uk
ASW 19 - Standard class sailplane to replace the ASW 15B, first flown 13 Nov 1975. All-moving tailplane in a T-tail, Schempp-Hirth airbrakes above and below wings. Many modified to ASW …
ASW-19B - wingsandwheels.com
New power Flarm with ADSB-in (2018). Good Komet trailer, with extended ramp to make rigging easier. All log books since new. Including log entries showing that this glider was flown for the US team at the World Championships in Chateauroux France in 1978. Glider is hangered at the Soaring Club of Houston. Last annual was April 2019.
ASW19b G-DHCV - LGC Cadets
All the relevant manuals are accessible from this page. The most important is the aircraft flight manual. It is a very generic manual and any differences and the specific weight schedule from our own asw19 will be added in due course.
ASW19b G-DHCV - LGC Cadets
ASW19b HCV This page contains all aspects of the Cadet glider "Hotel Charlie Victor". The glider is very well-equipped but the glider itself and each component needs to be understood for the safe and efficient operation of the glider, there is training in rigging/derigging and general preparation of the glider avalible.
ASW 19 / ASW 19 B - ASSegelflug
Mit der ASW 19 beginnt Gerhard Waibel auch die systematische Arbeit am Sicherheitscockpit zu verstärken. Bei der ASW 19 B wurde die maximale Abflugmasse von ursprünglich 408 kg auf 454 kg erhöht. Max. Flächenbelastung / Max. wing load. zum vorhergehenden Flugzeug. zurück zur Übersicht. zum nächsten Flugzeug.
BGA glider data sheet ASW 19 & 19B BGA glider data sheet - ASW 19 & 19B