Why can horizontal asymptotes be crossed? - Physics Forums
2007年8月5日 · A function can cross its vertical asymptote, though not more than once and certainly not infinitely many times like it can its horizontal asymptote. For example, f(x) := 1/x …
What is an asymptote and why doesn't parabola have one?
2007年10月1日 · But they *still* don't increase quickly enough to have an asymptote. The simplest example of a function that does have an asymptote is 1/x . this function increases …
Why is y=a a horizontal asymptote on the polar coordinates?
2010年6月8日 · Since y=rsint, substituting r=y/sint into rt=a we get y=asint/t. By taking the limit of both sides as t->0 we get y=a. The thing I don't understand is, why is y=a a horizontal …
Asymptote of a curve in polar coordinates - Physics Forums
2017年4月14日 · I understood the concept behind how this asymptote is calculated, but I am not very fluent in mathematics to convert the above information into a comprehensive proof. …
Horizontal asymptotes - approaches from above or below?
2009年2月22日 · I seem to be having a lot of difficulty finding whether for a horizontal asymptote, whether the curve approaches the asymptote from above or below. For example, for the …
Determining the horizontal asymptote - Physics Forums
2024年4月9日 · My interest is on the horizontal asymptote, now considering the degree of polynomial and leading coefficients, i have ##y=\dfrac{2}{1} =2## Therefore ##y=2## is the …
Describing behavior on each side of a vertical asymptote - Physics …
2006年1月2日 · Find the vertical asymptotes of the graph of F(x) = (3 - x) / (x^2 - 16) ok if i factor the denominator.. i find the vertical asymptotes to be x = 4, x = -4. The 2nd part of the problem …
Oblique Asymptotes: What happens to the Remainder? - Physics …
2011年10月24日 · An "asymptote" is a line that a curve approaches as x goes to, in this case, negative infinity and infinity. Yes, long division gives a quotient of -3x- 3 with a remaider of -1. …
Vertical Asymptote: Is f Defined at x=1? - Physics Forums
2011年5月22日 · Homework Statement True False If the line x=1 is a vertical asymptote of y = f(x), then f is not defined at 1.Homework Equations none The Attempt at a Solution I originally …
What is the domain and asymptotes for f(x) = |x³ + x²|/(x² - 1)?
2009年9月27日 · What is an asymptote? An asymptote is a line or curve that a function approaches but never reaches as the input variable approaches a certain value. In other …