in the beginning / at the beginning - Language lab: English ⇔ …
2003年6月23日 · In the beginning (of time).... zeitlich At the beginning (of a sentence)... ahem, ich will jetzt nicht räumlich sagen, dass trifft ja in diesem Fall nicht so ganz zu ;o) Ich hoffe, dass hilft für den Anfang, mir fällt im Moment nix Besseres ein.
beginning - LEO: Übersetzung im Englisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch …
Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'beginning' in LEOs Englisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten Aussprache und relevante Diskussionen Kostenloser Vokabeltrainer
What is the difference between the nouns start and beginning?
2014年12月12日 · The period will start in 15 minutes. vs I can barely remember the beginning of the period. Start has the sense of being a fixed point in time, while beginning could possibly refer to any time between the start and the halfway point. At the start of the period I was eager to learn, but 15 minutes into the beginning I was bored with the material.
"At the beginning of the century" or "in the beginning of the …
The beginning of the century is a period of time which is short compared to the century but rather long otherwise; Some people may use this phrase to mean the first decade or even longer. I might say "At the beginning of the 20th Century women generally couldn't vote but by the end of World War II many nations had granted them this right".
word choice - "At the beginning" or "in the beginning"? - English ...
2012年10月18日 · In the beginning is usually preferred alone and followed by a comma. But at the beginning is used together with a noun such as year, book, century, show ..etc.. ;) E.g. In the beginning, God created (etc...) At the beginning OF TIME, God created
grammaticality - Using "And" at the beginning of a sentence
2014年1月29日 · As a writer, I use "And" at the beginning of sentences in novels. I take (what I consider) this poetic license typically to emphasize a thought in a narrative or to more closely mimic informal speech. As we audibly converse, we …
Is there a difference in meaning between "from the beginning" …
I think from the beginning puts a little more emphasis and focus on the significance of the beginning. If you were talking about a business, perhaps "he" was there in the planning process and integral to starting the business. Since the beginning places more emphasis on the intervening time period. Again, if a business, perhaps "he" is the most ...
conjunctions - Can I use "but" at the beginning of a sentence ...
2012年10月16日 · Correct. The standard injunction to avoid using conjunctions (or conjuncts) at the beginning of a sentence was predicated on the assumption that such sentences tended to be fragments. In fact, as this matter has subsequently been reviewed over the past 60 years or so, the concern has been found to be wholly unwarranted.
Is there any difference between "from the beginning" and "in the ...
2015年12月13日 · Yes, OP is correct. "From the beginning" implies something which lasts until now, while "in the beginning" implies something which existed in the beginning only. Let me supplement this with an example: From the beginning, we have a three-tier political system. In the beginning, we had a two-tier political system. Hope the issue is clear now.
word choice - "Start" vs. "begin", "finish" vs. "end" - English ...
@JoelBrown: I don't find anything odd about a mix-and-match approach. For example, the beginning of a race track is called the starting line and the end is called the finish line. There are of course more nuances involved than I gave in my answer, but the question was about the words in general, not in any particular shade of meaning.