All Terrain Armored Cargo Transport | Wookieepedia | Fandom
The All Terrain Armored Cargo Transport (AT-ACT) was a larger version of the standard All Terrain Armored Transport combat walker that featured a dedicated cargo bed for the transportation of heavy building materials or combat munitions.
AT-ACT - 百度百科
AT-ACT,全称All Terrain Armored Cargo Transport walker(全地形货运步行机),出自星战系列影视作品,它是一种有四条腿的运输和战斗交通工具,由帝国陆军使用。这些站高达几十米的高大步行机令人心惊胆颤,它们产生的心理威慑效果不亚于战术效果。
AT-ACT walker - StarWars.com
A larger version of the standard combat AT-AT, the AT-ACT walker features a dedicated cargo bed for the transportation of heavy building materials or combat munitions. It was deployed at major Imperial construction projects, such as shipyards and sprawling research installations.
AT-ACT - Disney Wiki
The All Terrain Armored Cargo Transport (AT-ACT) was an Imperial Walker, that was the predecessor to the AT-AT. It first appeared in the 2016 Star Wars movie Rogue One. Bigger than its AT-AT cousin, the All Terrain Armored Cargo Transport is the Empire's go-to …
银河帝国坦克装甲车辆(一)步行机 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
AT-AA步行机(全地形防空步行机)(All Terrain Anti Aircraft) 在克隆人战争末期,由罗萨纳重工制造,装备一座双联装防空炮塔,一部震荡导弹发射器。 乘员为一名车长、一名驾驶员、一名炮手。 出处:Fantasy Flight游戏资料书Starships and Speeders. AT-MP步行机(全地形导弹平台)(All Terrain Missile Platform) 帝国至少在5BBY就开始使用这种步行机,其导弹齐射火力强大,但行动并不灵活,防御性较差。 AT-MP有多种改型,有些装备8具导弹发射器和一门转管爆 …
All Terrain Armored Transport | Wookieepedia | Fandom
The All Terrain Armored Transport (AT-AT) was a four-legged combat walker of the All-terrain vehicle line used by the ground forces of the Galactic Empire, and the First Order. Along with the Imperial -class Star Destroyer, stormtroopers, and the TIE fighter, it was one of the most famous symbols of the Empire's military might.
AT-ACT vs. AT-AT - Armor and Weapon Comparison - YouTube
Twitter: @SWReadingClub Twitch: www.twitch.tv/swrcgaming The Non-Canon Expert describes the differences between the Empire's AT-ACT and AT-AT walkers and explains how they differ in their armor...
The AT-ACT, or All Terrain Armored Cargo Transport, is a specialized variant of the AT-AT Walker, first seen in "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story." These towering, four-legged vehicles are designed primarily for heavy lifting and cargo transport rather than front-line combat.
AT-ACT步行机 - 哔哩哔哩
全地形装甲货物运输 (AT-ACT)是标准全地形装甲运输战斗步行车的大型版本,其特点是专门的货物床,用于运输重型建筑材料或作战弹药。 描述. 一个AT-ACT步行者在沙漠星球发射重型爆炸炮。 全地形装甲货物运输被部署在大型帝国建筑项目,如造船厂和扩建的研究设施。 尽管AT-ACT不是为战斗而建造的,它仍然能够对步兵构成可怕的威胁,正如在斯卡里夫战役中被叛军士兵发现的。 步行者的高轮廓使它比AT-AT迈得更快,尽管牺牲了结构稳定性。 为了使膝关节在承载繁琐载 …
Alien Enemies Act: Trump expected to invoke wartime authority to …
3 天之前 · The little-known 18th-century law, the Alien Enemies Act of 1798, gives the president tremendous authority to target and remove undocumented immigrants, though legal experts have argued it would ...