Generation of human alveolar epithelial type I cells from …
2024年4月19日 · Here, we engineer a human in vitro AT1 model system via directed differentiation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). We use primary adult AT1 global transcriptomes to suggest benchmarks and pathways, such as Hippo-LATS-YAP/TAZ signaling, enriched in these cells.
肺的正常上皮细胞可以分成这5群 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2021年1月27日 · 来自于正常的肺的上皮细胞约2000个,可以分成如下所示的5个亚群: 可以看到,基本上主要是 AT1和AT2这两个亚群,它们各自的标记基因如下所示: 基本上细分亚群的结果展示跟第一次分亚群是类似的, 图例如下: (A) Clustering of 1997 epithelial cells from nLung (n = 6). Each dot corresponds to a single cell, colored according to cell type. (B) Canonical cell markers were used to label epithelial subtypes as represented in the UMAP plot.
241021 文献泛读 AT2 / AT1 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
在肺泡中,存在两种主要的上皮细胞类型:肺泡I型上皮细胞(AT1细胞)和肺泡II型上皮细胞(AT2细胞)。 AT1细胞:这些细胞扁平且鳞状,覆盖了肺泡超过95%的气体交换表面。 它们与周围的毛细血管丛紧密相连,形成了薄的气体扩散表面。 AT2细胞:这些细胞立方体状,分泌肺表面活性物质,这种物质可以降低肺泡的表面张力,防止在通气过程中肺泡塌陷。 值得注意的是,AT2细胞还充当肺泡中的祖细胞,它们可以自我更新并在肺发育和再生过程中分化为AT1细 …
YAP regulates alveolar epithelial cell differentiation and AGER …
2021年9月24日 · We have demonstrated that YAP regulates the promoter activity and transcription of the AT1 marker gene AGER, in a TEAD-dependent manner that is blocked by altering TEAD binding sites within the AGER promoter. We show that postnatal activation of YAP via deletion on Stk3/Stk4 is sufficient to increase AT1 cell differentiation.
汤楠实验室发现肺泡一型细胞存在两种细胞亚型 - 新闻动态 - 北京 …
2018年2月21日 · 首先, AT1 细胞数量少, (lymphatic endotheia 虽然 AT1 细胞覆盖了 95 %~ 98% 以上的肺泡表面,但仅占肺里细胞总数目的 10% (甚至更少) 。 其次, AT1 细胞很大,难于从组织中消化分离。
Tracing the origin of alveolar stem cells in lung repair and ...
2024年5月9日 · Here, we introduced a dual recombinase-mediated intersectional genetic lineage tracing approach, enabling precise investigation of AT2 cellular origins during lung homeostasis, injury, and repair. We found AT1 cells, being terminally differentiated, did not contribute to AT2 cells after lung injury and repair.
Ager-CreER T2 : A New Genetic Tool for Studying Lung Alveolar
One distinguishing feature of AT1 cells is the high level of expression of the gene Ager, encoding the advanced glycation endproduct-specific receptor, a member of the immunoglobulin superfamily of cell surface receptors.
PNAS:首次发现肺泡一型细胞存在两种细胞亚型 - 生物通
2018年2月24日 · 北京生命科学研究所汤楠实验室在《PNAS》杂志在线发表了题为“The pulmonary alveolar type I cell population consists of two distinct subtypes that differ in cell fate”的研究论文,首次阐述了肺泡一型细胞在肺泡发育和肺泡再生过程中的异质性。 上图是在成年小鼠肺中由Igfbp2-CreER 谱系标记的表达膜GFP的单个肺泡一型细胞 (王艳杰提供)。 这种细胞大而平,细胞膜有很多分支,这样的结构有利于与周围细胞建立紧密连接。 细胞上有很多大小不一 …
Human respiratory airway progenitors derived from pluripotent …
2025年2月24日 · We differentiate iRAPs through a stage consistent with transitional type 2 alveolar epithelial (AT2) cells into a population corresponding to mature AT1 cells with 95% purity. iRAPs with deletion...
YAP regulates alveolar epithelial cell differentiation and AGER …
2021年8月11日 · AT1 cells mediate gas exchange while AT2 cells synthesize and secrete pulmonary surfactants and serve as progenitor cells which repair the alveoli. We developed transgenic mice in which YAP was activated or deleted to determine its roles in alveolar epithelial cell differentiation.