肺的正常上皮细胞可以分成这5群 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2021年1月27日 · ciliated airway epithelial cells (Ciliated; TPPP3+) 可以看到,基本上主要是 AT1和AT2这两个亚群,它们各自的标记基因如下所示: 基本上细分亚群的结果展示跟第一次分亚群是类似的, 图例如下:
241021 文献泛读 AT2 / AT1 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
在肺泡中,存在两种主要的上皮细胞类型:肺泡I型上皮细胞(AT1细胞)和肺泡II型上皮细胞(AT2细胞)。 AT1细胞:这些细胞扁平且鳞状,覆盖了肺泡超过95%的气体交换表面。 它们与周围的毛细血管丛紧密相连,形成了薄的气体扩散表面。 AT2细胞:这些细胞立方体状,分泌肺表面活性物质,这种物质可以降低肺泡的表面张力,防止在通气过程中肺泡塌陷。 值得注意的是,AT2细胞还充当肺泡中的祖细胞,它们可以自我更新并在肺发育和再生过程中分化为AT1细 …
Nature背靠背 | 肺类器官与人肺干祖细胞新谱系 - 知乎
Morrisey通过类器官模型发现一种独特的在人体中存在而小鼠中不存在的新型细胞——呼吸道分泌细胞(respiratory airway secretory, RAS),其能够充当AT2的单向性祖细胞,这种谱系分化受到Notch和Wnt信号传导的调节。 在COPD中,RAS转录及AT2细胞的状态异常,并与人类和雪貂的吸烟暴露相关。 通过对来自五名健康非吸烟者供体的显微解剖肺组织scRNA-seq分析,Morrisey团队观察到远端肺组织的两个表达典型标记SCGB1A1的分泌细胞群,其中一群还表达高水平 …
Pulmonary alveolar type I cell population consists of two distinct ...
2018年3月6日 · Pulmonary alveolar type I (AT1) cells cover more than 95% of alveolar surface and are essential for the air-blood barrier function of lungs. AT1 cells have been shown to retain developmental plasticity during alveolar regeneration. However, the development and heterogeneity of AT1 cells remain large …
Protocol for preparation of primary alveolar epithelial type I cells ...
2024年12月20日 · Here, we present a protocol to prepare AT1 cells directly from mouse lungs. We detail the steps for dissociating epithelial cells from the alveoli, followed by the purification of AT1 cells.
肺脏中的细胞-肺泡(mainly:AT1/ATI,AT2/ATII) - 简书
第一型肺泡细胞(type I alveolar cell),又称鳞状肺泡上皮细胞,或称小肺泡细胞,占肺部总表面积95%以上。 主要形成肺泡壁之连续内衬,上面分布许多微血管,总面积有75平方米,可以让大量气体进行交换。
Generation of human alveolar epithelial type I cells from …
2024年4月19日 · Alveolar epithelial type I cells (AT1s) line the gas exchange barrier of the distal lung and have been historically challenging to isolate or maintain in cell culture. Here, we engineer a human in vitro AT1 model system via directed differentiation of …
Mitochondrial integrated stress response controls lung epithelial cell ...
2023年8月9日 · Alveolar epithelial type 1 (AT1) cells are necessary to transfer oxygen and carbon dioxide between the blood and air. Alveolar epithelial type 2 (AT2) cells...
Biophysical forces mediated by respiration maintain lung ... - Cell …
We show that biophysical forces through normal respiratory motion actively maintain alveolar type 1 (AT1) cell identity and restrict these cells from reprogramming into AT2 cells in the adult lung.
Alveolar type I cells can give rise to KRAS-induced lung ... - Cell …
Yang et al. show that alveolar epithelial type I (AT1) cells can serve as a cell of origin for lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD). In addition, cell of origin can be associated with known properties of LUAD, including histologic subtypes and transcriptomic signatures, suggesting different mechanisms in tumor evolution.
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