241021 文献泛读 AT2 / AT1 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
在肺泡中,存在两种主要的上皮细胞类型:肺泡I型上皮细胞(AT1细胞)和肺泡II型上皮细胞(AT2细胞)。 AT1细胞:这些细胞扁平且鳞状,覆盖了肺泡超过95%的气体交换表面。 它们与周围的毛细血管丛紧密相连,形成了薄的气体扩散表面。 AT2细胞:这些细胞立方体状,分泌肺表面活性物质,这种物质可以降低肺泡的表面张力,防止在通气过程中肺泡塌陷。 值得注意的是,AT2细胞还充当肺泡中的祖细胞,它们可以自我更新并在肺发育和再生过程中分化为AT1细 …
CEBPA restricts alveolar type 2 cell plasticity during ... - Nature
2024年5月16日 · Here we show that the lung alveolar type 2 (AT2)-specific transcription factor (TF), CEBPA, restricts AT2 cell plasticity in the mouse lung. AT2 cells undergo transcriptional and epigenetic...
When Is an Alveolar Type 2 Cell an Alveolar Type 2 Cell? A …
In addition, at the ultrastructural level, AT2 cells lack a classic dense secretory granule, but instead, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) reveals the presence of cytoplasmic, osmiophilic, lamellated organelles (LBs), long recognized as the storage organelle from which surfactant is released into the alveolar lumen .
Tracing the origin of alveolar stem cells in lung repair and ...
2024年5月9日 · Using dual recombinase-mediated intersectional genetic approaches, Liu et al. find that alveolar stem cells (AT2 cells) are derived from existing AT2 cells, club cells, and BASCs but not from terminally differentiated AT1 cells during lung repair and regeneration.
Alveolar type 2 progenitor cells for lung injury repair
2019年2月8日 · Alveolar type 2 progenitor cells (AT2) seem closest to clinical translation, specifying the evidence that AT2 may satisfactorily control the immune response to decrease lung injury by...
Successful Establishment of Primary Type II Alveolar Epithelium …
Alveolar type II (AT2) epithelial cells are uniquely specialized to produce surfactant in the lung and act as progenitor cells in the process of repair after lung injury. AT2 cell injury has been implicated in several lung diseases, including idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and bronchopulmonary dysplasia.
Multi-apical polarity of alveolar stem cells and their dynamics …
2022年10月21日 · To further visualize AT2 localization, we performed transmission electron microscopy (TEM) on lung sections. Consistent with previous observations, we found that a single AT2 can enface multiple lumens.
肺泡Ⅱ-型上皮细胞(alveolar epithelial type Ⅱ cell,AT2)是构成哺乳类动物肺泡上皮的主要细胞之一,是合成和分泌肺泡表面活性物质的主要细胞。 近年来研究发现其合成和分泌功能受多种体液及环境因素的影响和调控,并涉及多种相关基因、蛋白及信号通路。
Tracing the origin of alveolar stem cells in lung repair and ...
2024年5月9日 · Alveolar type 2 (AT2) cells are stem cells of the alveolar epithelia. Previous genetic lineage tracing studies reported multiple cellular origins for AT2 cells after injury. However, conventional lineage tracing based on Cre-loxP has the limitation of non-specific labeling. Here, we introduced a dua …
Alveolar Epithelial Type II Cells as Drivers of Lung Fibrosis in ...
Alveolar epithelial type II cells (AT2) are a heterogeneous population that have critical secretory and regenerative roles in the alveolus to maintain lung homeostasis. However, impairment to their normal functional capacity and development of a ...
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