M42 - DSLR, Mirrorless & General-Purpose Digital Camera DSO …
2021年1月17日 · M42 - posted in DSLR, Mirrorless & General-Purpose Digital Camera DSO Imaging: This is my first M42 for this winter season. This is also my first time trying a new flattener/reducer with my AT92. I have been using an Apex .65x with it, but couldnt get edge stars good enough to suit me.
AT92- A Fast Widefield Imaging Scope - Cloudy Nights
2020年4月4日 · M42 is too small of a file to really see much. I can easily see stars elongated radially around the center of the frame in M45. Indicates you might have a little too much spacing.
First legitimate attempt M42 - Cloudy Nights
2021年3月6日 · Finally got a chance last night to take a few frames of Orion. This is the quintessential beginner object, so apologize if everyone is a little worn out of this image. Location Austin, Tx bortle 7. OTA - At92. mount - EQ6. 25 x 20 second subs. ISO 800. no tracking. included dark frames in the stack, but no flats, that still eludes me.
asi294 M42 - ZWO User Forum - bbs.zwoastro.com
The Official User Forum for ZWO Products
Astro-Tech AT92 f/5.5 Triplet Apo Refractor OTA - Astronomics
This Astro-Tech AT92 refractor has: • 92mm f/5.5 apochromatic triplet optics using an ED/Lanthanum combination • collimatable lens cell for peak imaging and optical performance • 2.5" dual-speed rotating rack and pinion focuser • ultra-short 16.5" length for travel • 2" and 1.25" compression ring eyepiece holders
- 评论数: 9
M42 | Messier 42, the Orion Nebula. Equipment used: AT92 ref
2021年1月17日 · Equipment used: AT92 refractor at F/4.4 William Optics 6AIII .8x reducer / flattener Nikon D3400 Full Spectrum modified Optolong UV / IR Cut filter EQ6-R Pro guided using PHD2 Acquisition: 44 frames at ISO 200 180" each Combined with dark, flat, and bias frames in Deep Sky Stacker Processed in Photoshop and Lightroom
- 查看次数: 483
猎户座大星云 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
獵戶座大星雲 (M 42, NGC 1976)是一個位於 银河系 的 弥漫星雲,在天空中坐落在 猎户座 的 猎户腰带 位置 [b],作为 猎户之剑 的中心。 猎户座大星云是亮度最高的星云之一,在夜空中 裸眼 可见, 视星等 为4.0。 星云距离地球1,344正負20 光年 (412.1正負6.1 秒差距) [4][5],是最接近地球的一個 恒星形成 區。 星云宽度约24光年,因此从地球观察其宽度约为1度。 它的质量约为 太阳 的2,000倍。 长久以来,猎户座大星云都是夜空中倍受关注的拍摄对象,并且它也得到了天 …
Kosmo Foto’s ultimate guide to M42 cameras
2025年1月20日 · From Alpas to Zenits, the M42 range spanned several decades, varying levels of sophistication, and all sorts of price points. Some of these cameras are well known; others are almost unheard of. Kosmo Foto’s new series – which will continue across the weeks and months – is an attempt to list as many of them as possible.
Choosing between Astro-tech AT80ED and AT92 - Cloudy Nights
2020年3月27日 · The two scopes that I am most strongly considering right now are the Astro-tech AT80ED and the Astro-tech AT92. I am hoping that, with the information provided below, you can help me make a decision.
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