ATA - Definition by AcronymFinder
What does ATA stand for? ATA abbreviation. Define ATA at AcronymFinder.com.
国际货代:ETD ETA ATD和ATA英文全称是什么? - 知乎专栏
2016年11月12日 · ATA 是Actual Time of Arrival的简称,意思为实际到港时间、实际到达时间。 ATD和ATA不太常见,有的地方可以看到。 当航班起飞或船舶开航后,在航空公司或船公司官网上跟踪货物状态时,有可能看到ATD和ATA时间,当然也有ETD和ETA时间
运输术语中的 ETA、ETD、ATD 和 ATA 是什么意思 - Basenton
ETA(Estimated Time of Arrival)即预计到达时间,表示船舶、飞机或其他交通工具预计到达目的地的时间,该时间通常根据出发时间、航程距离、天气状况等相关因素计算得出。 计划调度:帮助收货人和物流公司安排卸货、收货时间。 资源配置:促进港口、仓库、运输公司合理配置人力、设备。 客户沟通:提供给客户,以便他们做好收货准备。 假设一艘货船从 上海港 预计14天后抵达纽约港。 如果船运公司预计船舶抵达 纽约 10月10日靠港,则船舶预计到达时间为XNUMX …
What does ATA stand for? - Abbreviations.com
Find out what is the full meaning of ATA on Abbreviations.com! 'Air Transport Association' is one option -- get in to view more @ The Web's largest and most authoritative acronyms and abbreviations resource.
Meaning of ETA, ETD, ATD & ATA in Shipping | SeaRates Blog
2023年5月15日 · ATA (Actual time of arrival) is the actual time and date of arrival of the shipment at the port or terminal of destination. ATA in shipping is based on the actual time of arrival and can depend on factors such as the vessel's current location, estimated speed, and other variables such as weather, port congestion, and customs clearance procedures.
ATA - What does ATA stand for? The Free Dictionary
Looking for online definition of ATA or what ATA stands for? ATA is listed in the World's most authoritative dictionary of abbreviations and acronyms.
ATA - Military and Government - Acronym Finder
What does ATA stand for? Your abbreviation search returned 143 meanings. Sort results: alphabetical | rank ? showing only Military and Government definitions (show all 143 definitions) Note: We have 250 other definitions for ATA in our Acronym Attic. Search for ATA in Online Dictionary Encyclopedia. 35 definitions of ATA.
What does ATA mean? - Abbreviation Finder
This page illustrates how ATA is used in messaging and chat forums, in addition to social networking software like VK, Instagram, Whatsapp, and Snapchat. From the table above, you can view all meanings of ATA: some are educational terms, the other are medical terms, and even computer terms.
ATA - Information Technology - Acronym Finder
Definition of ATA in Information Technology. What does ATA stand for?
ETA、ETD、ATD 和 ATA 在運輸術語中的含義是什麼 - Basenton
ATA(Actual Time of Arrival)是指實際到達時間。 表示船舶、飛機或其他運輸工具實際到達目的地的時間。 通常會與 ETA 進行比較,以評估是否按計劃到達。 ATA 的作用. 運輸效率評估:幫助評估運輸是否按計畫進行並找出延誤原因。 到港安排:提供港口、倉庫、運輸公司實際到港數據,方便安排卸貨及後續運輸。 客戶資訊更新:及時更新客戶實際到貨時間信息,保證信息透明。