Your thoughts on the eaa/ ata neo? - Shotgun Forum
2018年11月4日 · The ATA Neo is the same shotgun as the Weatherby Element. Should be a decent gun. I could be wrong but standard Winchokes should fit the same as my Weatherby SA08. (by the way in its 5th season without a hiccup)
ATA Neo - Shotgun Forum
2021年8月17日 · My Neo was imported by EAA, but they have since switched to Girsan. And, I'm not sure how many online listings are simply links to the defunct EAA SKU's (for example, the Bud's listing seems to be). If you are near an Academy, they do import a selection of ATA products, including one Neo, a 28" 12 ga dipped in Max 5 camo.
Ata Arms Neo X - Shotgun Forum
2024年10月17日 · hello all i own a ata arms neo x from academy (yikes) i like the gun it fits me well and i shoot well with it. My only gripe with the gun is the trigger and how long the pull is. My style of shooting is not jerky or slapping the trigger. I prefer to calmly and slowly pull the trigger until the gun goes off.
Question on ATA Neo Disassembly - Shotgun Forum
2023年6月4日 · I had a shoot today and it was raining pretty steady. When I got home I started to disassemble my ATA Neo. I got the recoil spring out, but can't seem to get the magazine spring out. Does anyone know if the magazine tube nut needs to be turned clock wise or counterclock wise to loosen it and...
ATA shotguns-quality or not? | Shotgun Forum
2022年1月26日 · IMO ATA, Yildiz, and CZ USA are true bargain guns. What you get is quality that matches the majors and features that come very close to the majors at a cost of about 1/2 of what a Beretta or Browning with identical features. As for quality, every single Beretta shotgun or barrel set I have purchased since 2020 has had some pretty significant ...
ATA Shotguns. | Shotgun Forum
2024年6月28日 · Ata makes the element for weatherby, which is pretty much just an ATA neo. Don't care for the feel of it personally, but it gets great reviews. Turkish guns can be junk or can be good values.
ATA Venza - Shotgun Forum
2014年5月22日 · The ATA Neo has a goofy, dinky, triangular safety that cuts your forefinger and an odd curved recoil pad that isn't easily replaced by a better aftermarket pad. It is far harsher-shooting than the SX3, much, much rougher-shooting than a Versa Max, and the trigger on my example was a bit heavy.
Where to buy an ATA Neo in Walnut? - Shotgun Forum
2019年4月18日 · Dang the walnut by Weatherby is pretty and I wish they were at ATA prices. Randy, what would you say if you compared the Weatherby Element Deluxe and the Benelli Monte? I'd love to hear your expert take on this. Thanks! p.s. I …
Weatherby Element - Shotgun Forum
2023年9月6日 · ATA is the manufacturer, not Weatherby, and it is indeed the Neo. The manufacturer states that the 20 gauge NEO is capable of running with loads as light as 5/8 oz. 7/8 oz. 1200 fps is no problem for any Element 20 gauge I have tested.
Weatherby Element being phased out, replaced by Element II
2025年1月27日 · After watching the video, it looks like they took the basic ATA Neo/Element action, reshaped the receiver and stocks, added the current fad of big controls and loading port, and changed the mag tube for the guys who want to add extensions. They also added a quite useful action spring removal system.