ATA Venza - Shotgun Forum
2014年5月22日 · I purchased a Venza (12 gauge) about a month ago. Found one at Academy, price tag was $499.00 + tax. So far I've hunted dove (Rio 2 3/4 game load), duck (Kent fast …
THE VENZA - Duck Hunting Forum
2016年11月26日 · The Venza is the newest line of the ATA family. Made in the same factory as the Beretta A400, it uses nearly identical components and is operationally virtually the same …
ATA Arms Venza 12ga Semi - Duck Hunting Forum
2016年10月3日 · ATA Arms Venza 12ga Semi Jump to Latest 4.7K views 7 replies 6 participants last post by dogyak Jan 1, 2020
ATA Venza Choke Tubes (Help!) - Shotgun Forum
2020年4月16日 · Recently purchased an ATA Venza as an all purpose shotgun, and wow am I impressed. Around 500 shells through it of different brands and sizes; with zero malfunction. …
ATA Arms Venza shotgun
2016年1月9日 · I was at Academy yesterday and apparently they are now selling a new Turkish shotgun from ATA Arms called the Venza. Seems to have a different type of gas system called …
ATA shotguns-quality or not? | Shotgun Forum
2022年1月26日 · IMO ATA, Yildiz, and CZ USA are true bargain guns. What you get is quality that matches the majors and features that come very close to the majors at a cost of about 1/2 of …
Bought a Wby 20ga SA-08 Compact for kids use - Duck Hunting …
2016年9月27日 · This is no low end gun just a lower price due to Turkish labor rates. The ATA CY action is a proven design that has been around for years. It is also the easiest to clean gas …
Retay Masai Mara - Duck Hunting Forum
2018年10月10日 · I would prefer the ATA Venza avaible at Academy rather than the overpriced Masai Mara. Of course I like gas guns over inertia guns for Waterfowl hunting. Well, are you …
How are Turkish shotguns doing now. | Page 13 | Shotgun Forum
2023年1月6日 · the ATA Venza is the first Turkish model I ever bought I am very impressed with this gun . as a matter of fact a friend of mine bought a Beretta a400 the blue model at the …
Which chokes to suit ATA Arms U/O - Shotgun Forum
2016年12月29日 · If you look at the Weatherby website some of their shotguns use the Beretta Mobil chokes and some use the Invector style chokes. Even in the same model line. The SA …