迷你型USB DVI HDBaseT™ KVM 信号延长器 (1920 x 1200@100 m) - CE611, ATEN …
ATEN CE611 USB DVI HDBaseT ™ 信号延长器集成了HDBaseT ™ 技术,通过单根 Cat6 / 6a / 2L-2910 Cat 6 线缆,即可传输 1920 x 1200 DVI 视频、立体声音频、USB 和 RS-232 信号长达 100 米。这款高性价比的信号延长器在其精巧设计中提供了 DVI 视频、音频、USB 2.0 高速连接端 …
Mini USB DVI HDBaseT™ KVM Extender (1920 x 1200@100m) - CE611, ATEN …
The ATEN CE611 is a USB DVI HDBaseT™ KVM Extender that integrates the latest HDBaseT™ technologies to transmit 1920 x 1200 DVI video, stereo audio, USB, and RS-232 signals up to 100 meters using a single Cat6 / 6a cable / ATEN 2L-2910 Cat 6 cable. This cost-effective extender comes with a small form factor design that includes DVI/audio ...
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CE611 - ATEN
The ATEN CE611 is a USB DVI HDBaseT™ KVM Extender that integrates the latest HDBaseT™ technologies to transmit 1920 x 1200 DVI video, stereo audio, USB, and RS-232 signals up to 100 meters using a single Cat6 / 6a cable / ATEN 2L-2910 Cat 6 cable.
2019年3月25日 · Read this manual thoroughly and follow the installation and operation procedures carefully to prevent any damage to the unit or any connected devices. ATEN regularly updates its product documentation for new features and fixes. For an up-to-date CE611 documentation, visit. 1. Indicates keys you should press.
ATEN CE-110 USER MANUAL Pdf Download | ManualsLib
View and Download ATEN CE-110 user manual online. Console Extender. CE-110 extender pdf manual download. Also for: Ce-120.
KVM信号延长器 - CE700, ATEN KVM信号延长器 | 北京宏正腾达科技
CE700为内建USB接口及具自动信号补偿功能的控制端延长器,其可便利地允许用户于远程通过控制端,连接访问电脑系统,如此可让用户将系统设备安置于安全的环境下,以便做高机密性数据系统的管理。 提供USB键盘与鼠标连接端口。 支持双控制端操作,用户可通过近程及远程的USB键盘及鼠标,与显示器控制端,控制电脑主机。 USB 过电流侦测与保护功能。 最佳视频分辨率为1280x1024,亦支持Sun规格的1152x900。 可支持操作系统:Windows 2000、Windows XP、 …
Setting up the Console Extender is simply a matter of plugging in the cables: Make sure that all the equipment to be connected up is pow-ered Off. Plug the cables from the console devices (mouse, keyboard, monitor), into their ports on the Remote Devices side of the Console Extender.
Mini USB DVI HDBaseT™ KVM Extender (1920 x 1200@100m) - CE611, ATEN …
The ATEN CE611 is a USB DVI HDBaseT™ KVM Extender that integrates the latest HDBaseT™ technologies to transmit 1920 x 1200 DVI video, stereo audio, USB, and RS-232 signals up to 100 meters using a single Cat6 / 6a cable / ATEN 2L-2910 Cat 6 cable.
ATEN KE 系列产品 | 4K KVM over IP 分布式矩阵 | 北京宏正腾达科技
aten 独家的快速切换技术,能在不同视频分辨率间瞬间切换,让使用者立即检视关键资讯,可用于视频监控或监控应用。 直观易上手的多功能电视墙
USB DVI HDBaseT ミニKVM エクステンダー (1920×1200@100 m) - ATEN
CE611は、DVIビデオ(解像度1920×1200)、ステレオオーディオ、USB、RS-232の各信号を、1本のCat6/6aケーブルまたはATEN Cat6ケーブル 2L-2910で最大100m延長することができるUSB DVI HDBaseT ミニKVM エクステンダーです。