(ATFLIR) NAVY MODEL F/A-18C AND F/A-18D DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT C. Distribution authorized to U.S. Government agencies and their contractors to protect publications required for official use or for administrative or operational purposes only, determined on 1 May 2003. Other requests for this document shall be referred to Commanding Officer ...
ATFLIR and range information (RADAR/LASER/Passive range?)
2021年6月12日 · The ATFLIR manual says "The radar system provides the functions listed below: a. air target range, range rate" There are mentions on the sim forums that the ATFLIR will correlate RADAR tracks that match the LOS of the ATFLIR, essentially the system knows when the ATFLIR is looking at the track the RADAR has and overlays the RADAR info
ATFLIR Technician Jeremy Snow discusses Gimbal, FLIR1, and GoFast
2023年8月6日 · Jeremy mentioned the possibility that the ATFLIR might have been deployed without having been calibrated from its on-board black body (approx. 55:44 to 56:32 on the video, 54:40 - 56:03 transcript). Would omitting calibration result in an equal reduction in sensitivity/ image sharpness across the dynamic range?
Reverse Engineering the ATFLIR to find Range and Temp to/of
2022年6月25日 · Given p_atflir_saturated we can calculate how hot the UAP would be at various distances, and make a graph; The graph shows it must be close, as longer distances require too hot a temperature. I think this argument fails simply because he's ignoring the effects of exposure settings - or "level" and "gain" on the ATFLIR.
Gimbal Lock and Derotation in FLIR/ATFLIR systems
2019年6月27日 · DCS is fairly accurate simulator, and they recently added an F/A-18C Hornet ATFLIR module. Interesting in the context of this thread, it shows the image rotating when the plane isn't. For somer reason this resembles the A10 footage above, where you can see the edges of the frame.
GIMBAL Video: Simulating the ATFLIR Tracking and Gimbal Rotation
2020年9月15日 · Maybe combine four views, the ATFLIR POV, the focus on the ATFLIR pod rotating, a follow-cam behind the jet, and an overhead view. With some kind of FOV volume indicated. Also, maybe a simulated HD VIS mode - showing the ATFLIR's POV, but with an actual jet model at the target position. Then that overlaid with the IR simulated view.
Gimbal distance and Speed Range Estimates using Lines of
2021年6月6日 · The real ATFLIR tracking uses contrast based centroid tracking, so if the object is bigger in IR because of bloom/glare etc then it's actually easier for it to track it at range because it's bigger in IR than in visible light, although you lose any detail on the target at range because the engine IR profile is bigger than the physical object.
ATFLIR FOV: NAR=0.7°, MFOV=3.0°, WFOV=6.0° | Metabunk
2022年11月8日 · The above, from official Navy documents, makes it pretty clear. The ATFLIR has three FOV settings, all of which are square (so the same FOV horizontally and vertically). They are: NAR = Narrow = 0.7° MFOV = Medium = 3° WFOV = Wide = 6° In addition, there 1X and 2X zoom for NAR and MFOV. But not for WFOV
The Shape and Size of Glare Around Bright Lights or IR Heat Sources
2019年3月30日 · What concentrated heat source has a similar TV image to it's heat signature (FLIR video shows TV image too and they look similar) and is bright (=warm) enough to cause glare in an ATFLIR at a range between 20 to 40 nautical …
Nimitz ATFLIR Focus Issues - Metabunk
2021年6月22日 · The available Nimitz video is obviously low quality. It's just 240 pixels high, and only uses 214 of them (i.e., it's about 214x214 pixels). It's also blurry. Not simply the target being out of focus, but the numbers on the screen are blurry. However, this seems to …