AT4 - Wikipedia
The AT4 is intended to give infantry units a means to destroy or disable armoured fighting vehicles and fortifications, although it is generally ineffective against more modern main battle tanks (MBTs), especially those with reactive armour, unless …
Bulsae ATGM - Wikipedia
The Bulsae ATGM is a family of North Korean (DPRK) anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) systems. North Korea is said to have acquired a number of 9K111 Fagot systems in the late 20th century. These were subsequently reverse-engineered and given the designation Bulsae-2. [1]
9K111 Fagot - Wikipedia
Its NATO reporting name is AT-4 Spigot. The 9K111 Fagot was developed by the Tula Machinery Design Bureau (Tula KBP) and development began in 1962 with the aim of producing the next generation of SACLOS anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) for …
战斗反坦克导弹 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
战斗ATGM通过激光束以半自动模式控制。 导弹的弹头是 串联 高爆弹,包含两个装药(先导装药和主装药)。 先导装药的目的是摧毁 爆炸反应装甲 和 间隙装甲 (英语:Spaced armour)。 其后主装药则穿透车体主装甲并摧毁目标。
AT - 4 SPIGOT Anti-Tank Guided Missile - GlobalSecurity.org
2018年4月5日 · The AT-4/SPIGOT is a tube-launched, semiautomatic command-to-line-of-sight (SACLOS), antitank guided missile system with a HEAT warhead. The SPIGOT launch tube, in which the missile is stored and...
AT-4 (Spigot) / 9M111 (Fagot) Anti-Tank Guided Missile (ATGM) …
2022年3月15日 · The AT-4 Spigot anti-tank wire-guided missile system is similar to the French-made MILAN system, though smaller in size. It fires the wire-guided SACLOS (Semi-Automatic Command to Line-of-Sight) anti-tank missile.
AT4 - Vikipedi
AT4, İsveç yapımı bir 84 milimetre kalibrelik bir tek atışlı tanksavar silahıdır. Silah, Saab Bofors Dynamics tarafından üretilmekte olup [3] Saab, AT4 ile önemli satış başarısı gösterdi ve dünyadaki en yaygın hafif tanksavar silahlardan biri haline geldi.
9M123菊花反坦克导弹 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
9M123菊花[1][2] (俄语: "Хризантема", 羅馬化:Krizantema;英語: Chrysanthemum, 直译: 菊花; 北约代号: AT-15 史宾格 (英語: Springer) [3])是 俄罗斯 反坦克导弹 (ATGM)。 菊花被设计为可对抗当前和未来几代的 主战坦克,也可用于攻击 直升机 等缓慢和低空飞行的空中目标。 [4] 9M123飞弹及其相关制导系统组成了9K123飞弹系统。 [5] 菊花反坦克飞弹于1996年7月由 KB机械工业设计局 (英语:KB Mashinostroyeniya) 推出。
M1134反戰車飛彈車 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
M1134反戰車導引飛彈載具 (英語: M1134 Anti-Tank Guided Missile Vehicle, ATGM)是 美國 史崔克裝甲車 系列的反戰車飛彈載具版本。 這款武器是史崔克旅級戰鬥隊主要的反坦克武器系統,通常被指派協同營級步兵單位作戰,或是支援旅及偵察部隊的偵察行動,並提供長程火力支援。 M1134為史崔克旅級戰鬥隊(英語:Stryker Brigade Combat Team, SBCT)提供了反坦克掩护,使得步兵能夠相对安全和快速地經由 M1126 ICV 部署至戰場,而無須擔心步兵甫登陸即受 …
朝鲜制的火鸟-4ATGM发射车首次在俄罗斯别尔哥罗德现身|俄军|炮 …
2024年8月1日 · 朝鲜制的火鸟-4 (Bulsae-4)ATGM发射车首次在俄国别尔哥罗德 (Белгородская)现身。 朝鲜先前已向俄国提供炮弹和短程弹道导弹,近期也计划派遣工兵协助俄国在乌克兰境内进行重建工作,如今还有装甲车辆可说是两国军事合作的新阶段。