Athlete A tells the story of the tireless investigative reporters and brave gymnasts who together helped send Larry Nassar to prison and exposed the decades-long abusive culture of USA …
The educator resources created for Athlete A are self-paced lessons for students to learn about the profession and practice the skills of an investigative journalist, delve into one of three …
This panel navigates the complex nature of coming forward with abuse in sport, reporting claims and navigating legal action. The discussion touches upon the emotional impacts athletes face, …
Athlete A tells the story of the tireless investigative reporters and brave gymnasts who together helped send Larry Nassar to prison and exposed the decades-long abusive culture of USA …
National Domestic Violence Hotline (NDVH) 1-800-799-SAFE. : National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) NNEDV’s Safety Net Project
FOR EDUCATORS The educational resources developed for Athlete A reveal the power of individuals’ stories, incisive journalism, and established law to hold individuals accountable …
Join the ATHLETE A virtual events tour by organizing your own screening and discussion with your friends, family, teammates, or community. Our partners at Picture Motion will provide you …
Ted x Talk Note CatcheR: Marisa Kwiatkowski Handout Why did she choose to be a journalist? What are the responsibilities of being a journalist according to Marisa Kwiatkowski?