Atmel Products - Microchip Technology
Leveraging one of the industry's broadest Intellectual Property (IP) technology portfolios, Atmel was able to provide the electronics industry with intelligent and connected solutions focused on the industrial, automotive, consumer, communications and computing markets. Microchip announced the acquisition of Atmel on January 19, 2016.
Microchip Studio for AVR® and SAM Devices
Microchip Studio, formerly known as Atmel Studio, is a development environment for developing and debugging AVR and SAM MCU applications.
Atmel START - Microchip Technology
Atmel START is an innovative online tool for intuitive, graphical configuration of embedded software projects. It lets you select and configure software components, drivers and middleware, as well as complete example projects specifically tailored to the needs of your application.
大鱼吃小鱼:一图了解 Microchip 收购史 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Microchip Technology Inc. (纳斯达克股市代号:MCHP)是全球领先的整合单片机、模拟器件和闪存专利解决方案的供应商,为全球数以千计的消费类产品提供低风险的产品开 发、更低的系统总成本和更快的上市时间。
Atmel - Wikipedia
Atmel Corporation was a creator and manufacturer of semiconductors before being subsumed by Microchip Technology in 2016. Atmel was founded in 1984. The company focused on embedded systems built around microcontrollers.
Microchip Technology - START
If you do not have any IDEs installed you can download and install Microchip Studio 7.0 for free. Note: The exported pack can also be used later if you want to import a configuration in Atmel START
2019年10月8日 · i.MX应用处理器基于32和64位Arm®技术,多核解决方案,适用于多媒体和显示应用,具有高性能和低功耗、可扩展、安全可靠等特点。 i.MX RT系列跨界MCU算是这里的主角,前几天的1GHz主频的RT1170打破了MCU低速的传统。 美国微芯科技公司,成立于1989年,于2016年收购了(大家熟知的)同行爱特梅尔(Atmel)。 同样因为收购的原因,微芯的产品中包含有Atmel的产品,比如:AVR单片机。 我之前用过几款微芯的MCU,给我的感觉:稳定性好, …
Atmel Serial EEPROMs are flexible, low-cost nonvolatile memory devices that provide system designers with a variety of features and performance characteristics to improve their designs. Atmel offers devices available with three different industry-standard serial interface protocols to give designers a wide range
Microchip收购Atmel,改变MCU格局 - 电子发烧友网
微芯科技(Microchip)收购爱特梅尔(Atmel)之举,让微控制器(MCU)市场的前三大供应商排名在最近几个月内再度重新洗牌。 过去两年来这一波前所未有的整并与收购(M&A)行动,戏剧性地改写了整个半导体产业的竞争格局。
Atmel offers a wide range of solutions for CAN networking, including AVR 8-bit RISC microcontrollers and transceivers ready to go with data-rates up to 5Mbit/s supporting the new CAN Flexible Data-rate standard (CAN FD).