SAM Family of 32-bit Microcontrollers - Microchip Technology
SAM device families offer a variety of advanced peripherals that make them an excellent option for developing all kinds of 32-bit embedded applications. These peripherals include the enhanced Peripheral Touch Controller (PTC), low-power sleepwalking peripherals, the efficient Event System and a rich set of high-performance analog features.
SAM 4 Family of Microcontrollers | Microchip Technology
Based on the Arm ® Cortex ® -M4 core, our SAM 4 series of microcontrollers (MCUs) operates at a maximum CPU speed of 120 MHz and features up to 2048 KB of Flash and up to 128 KB of SRAM.
Atmel ARM-based processors - Wikipedia
Atmel ARM-based processors are microcontrollers and microprocessors integrated circuits, by Microchip Technology (previously Atmel), that are based on various 32-bit ARM processor cores, with in-house designed peripherals and tool support.
The Atmel®| SMART SAM G55 is a series of Flash microcontrollers based on the high-performance 32-bit ARM®Cortex®-M4 RISC processor with FPU (Floating Point Unit). It operates at a maximum speed of 120 MHz and features 512 …
Atmel-42414G-SAM-D09-Datasheet_09/2016 SMART Description The Atmel® | SMART™ SAM D09 is a series of low-power microcontrollers using the 32-bit ARM® Cortex®-M0+ processor, and ranging from 14- to 24-pins with up to16KB Flash and 4KB of SRAM. The SAM D09 devices operate at a maximum frequency of 48MHz and reach 2.46 Coremark/MHz.
SAM D Family of Microcontrollers | Microchip Technology
SAM D microcontrollers (MCUs) are truly differentiated general-purpose devices that are well suited for many low-power, cost-sensitive industrial and consumer applications. These MCUs offer excellent interface and peripheral options with impressive low-power performance.
SAM D21 微控制器系列 - Microchip | DigiKey
Atmel ® SMART™ SAM D21 是低功耗微控制器系列,采用 32 位 ARM ® Cortex ®-M0+ 处理器,引脚范围从 32 到 64 个不等,具有高达 256 KB 的闪存和 32 KB 的 SRAM。 SAM D21 器件工作时的最大频率为 48 MHz,达到 2.46 Coremark/MHz。
【Atmel SAM D21】试用心得_之_IAR的第一个工程 - 单片机 - 电 …
2014年10月18日 · 基于 Atmel® | SMART™ SAM D ARM® Cortex®-M0+ 的微控制器 (MCU) 系列凝聚了 Atmel 在嵌入式闪存微控制器技术方面数十年的创新思想与丰富经验。 它不仅设定了灵活性和易用性方面的新基准,而且还将基于 ARM Cortex-M0+ 的 MCU 的高性能和高效能与优化的架构和外设集很好地 ...
The Atmel® | SMARTTM SAM D10 is a series of low-power microcontrollers using the 32-bit ARM® Cortex®-M0+ processor, and ranging from 14- to 24-pins with up to 16KB Flash and 4KB of SRAM. The SAM D10 devices operate at a maximum …
首先下载“ Mass storage/File Manager Application ”并解压,该压缩包包含了为AT91SAM7S 系列的各个不同芯片准备的mass storage software 的BIN文件。 SAM-BA将会询问用户是否解锁需要写入的区域(系统恢复程序加的锁),选择“ YES”: 拔下USB 电缆并重新插入Windows将提示发现新硬件,并自动安装好驱动程序,然后可以通过IE 浏览器看到一个“USB Mass Storage Device”。 点击“DBGU”进行连接。 注意:如果用DBGU 连接的话不能将USB 线连接到USB 口上,不然SAM7S …