AT is actually divided into 3 different specialities. They are the normal AT= Aviation Electronics Technicians, the ATI = Aviation Electronics Technician (Intermediate Maintenance) & the ATO = Aviation Electronics Technician (Organizational Maintenance). They do this to allow Navy advancement test to reflect the actual job your doing.
Difference between ATI and ATO rates? - NavyDEP
2011年8月27日 · Difference between ATI and ATO rates? AT = AVIATION ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN, including ATI & ATO
Is there any way to guarantee an ATO contract? [Archive] - NavyDEP
2015年4月4日 · This is what I want to do with the Navy. Air power and Aircraft carriers have always fascinated me. My ASVAB score is a 91 with AFQTs all in the 100s or 120s. If I pick AV is it random if I get AE/ATI/ATO or are there things I can do to influence where I end up?
Is there any way to guarantee an ATO contract? - NavyDEP
2015年4月4日 · Is there any way to guarantee an ATO contract? AT = AVIATION ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN, including ATI & ATO
Aircrew Breakdown - NavyDEP
2015年7月2日 · Your day is usually done by 1300, but it starts at 0500/0600, depending on the season. Personnel from Backlog get pulled to stand watch during working hours and go on Working Parties. While at NACCS, and throughout your Navy career, you will be assigned a Duty Section. There are three, and they rotate duties. Duty Weekend is Friday-Sunday.
Aviation Electronics Technician(AT) enlistment length? - NavyDEP
2014年8月18日 · Aviation Electronics Technician(AT) enlistment length? AT = AVIATION ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN, including ATI & ATO
Bootcamp in an 800 division - NavyDEP
2013年1月11日 · Proud Military Mom, Navy Vet Justin(MM2n), and Army Vet SSgt Clayton "Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude." Thomas Jefferson
Recruit Care Packages... - NavyDEP
2009年4月5日 · I found this, which I thought was kind-of cool.... (Even if your recuit is a "Grad-n-Go", they can aways give things like the movie passes, to their buddies.
Changing rates in bootcamp? - NavyDEP
2014年2月26日 · I'm not Undes, so I can't tell you for sure - but as far as I know the only jobs you can get in bootcamp are things like Honor Guard.
Electronics Technician (Nuclear) (ET) information - NavyDEP
2009年5月6日 · Navy Enlisted Job Descriptions & Qualifications Electronics Technician (Nuclear) ETN General Info: Nuclear-trained MMs, EMs and ETs perform duties in nuclear propulsion plants operating reactor control, propulsion and power generation systems. The character of NF jobs is mentally stimulating and offers career growth.