VR plus | AIR New - ATOS
Due to its wingspan of 14. 5m and the highest aspect ratio, the ATOS VRplus is especially suitable for pilots with a weight of 90 kg or more, who appreciate the best gliding and minimum sinking. Its standard full-carbon keel helps it to achieve exceptional flight calmness and predestines it for competition and cross-country flying.
The ATOS-VR has been designed as a competition glider for high cross-country performance and as well for an exceptional flight comfort. The adjustable V-tail, with angle of attack coordinated with the flap setting, gives the VR a great, well defined speedbar pressure over …
ATOS | Rigid Wing Hang Gliders | Products - a-i-r-usa
The ATOS VX is a larger span - 46', higher performance glider certified at 550 lbs. demonstrating the capability of tandem loads. Minimum pilot takeoff weight of 165# makes for light air soaring unmatched by any other hangglider.
ATOS VR – NLRSystems
The ATOS-VR has been designed as a competition glider for high cross-country performance and as well for an exceptional flight comfort. The adjustable V-tail, with angle of attack coordinated with the flap setting, gives the VR a great, well defined speedbar pressure over …
proven and improved ease of use... Since its introduction in 1998, the Atos by A-I-R has become a standard among hang glider pilots. 4000 wings serviced by a worldwide dealer network and its own FAI class speak for themselves.
ATOS VR - hang-gliding.com
The ATOS-VR has been designed as our competition glider for high cross-country performance. The adjustable V-tail, with angle of attack coordinated with the flap setting, give the VR a great, well defined speedbar pressure over the whole range of speed.
性能ハンググライダー - VR - A.I.R. GmbH - クロス / 1人用
ATOS-VRは、強化カーボンコンポジットスパーを採用し、翼の剛性を高め、乱気流や高速ファイナルでの快適な飛行を実現しています。 認定フックイン重量は140kgで、体重の重いパイロットのためにモスキートモーターハーネスを使用することも可能です。 ご要望に応じて、フルカーボンキールとの組み合わせも可能です。 ATOS-VRは2つのバージョンで提供されます。 - ストームライトセイルを装備したスタンダードバージョン - テクノーラセイルを使用したレースバー …
VR - Performance hang-glider by A.I.R. GmbH | AeroExpo
The ATOS-VR has been designed as a competition glider for high cross-country performance and as well for an exceptional flight comfort. The adjustable V-tail, with angle of attack coordinated with the flap setting, gives the VR a great, well defined speedbar pressure over …
ATOS-VR Race - NLRSystems
The ATOS-VR has been designed as a competition glider for high cross-country performance and as well for an exceptional flight comfort. The adjustable V-tail, with angle of attack coordinated with the flap setting, gives the VR a great, well defined speedbar pressure over …
New AIR ATOS VR Hang Glider For Sale - AvPay
The ATOS-VR has been designed as a competition glider for high cross-country performance & as well for an exceptional flight comfort. The adjustable V-tail, with angle of attack coordinated with the flap setting, gives the VR a great, well defined speed-bar …