ATTRIBUTABLE中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
ATTRIBUTABLE翻译:归因于…的;由于…的。 了解更多。
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必应词典为您提供attributable的释义,美[əˈtrɪbjətəb(ə)l],英[əˈtrɪbjʊtəb(ə)l],adj. 可归因于;可能由于; 网络释义: 可归因于…的;可归于;可归因的;
It is attributable to the rising value of the U.S. dollar. 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供attributable的中文意思,attributable的用法讲解,attributable的读音,attributable的同义词,attributable的反义词,attributable的例句等英语服务。
attributable - 百度百科
attributable, 英语单词,主要用作 形容词,作形容词时译为“可归因于……的;可能出自……的” [1]。 1.ADJ If something is attributable to an event, situation, or person, it is likely that it was caused by that event, situation, or person. 很可能由于…导致的 [v-link ADJ 'to' n] [1]
ATTRIBUTABLE Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
attribute implies a quality ascribed to a thing or a being. ascribe, attribute, assign, impute, credit mean to lay something to the account of a person or thing. ascribe suggests an inferring or conjecturing of cause, quality, authorship. attribute suggests less tentativeness than ascribe, less definiteness than assign.
ATTRIBUTABLE | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
Do you think that these higher-than-average temperatures are attributable to global warming? Her death was attributable to natural causes. almost always followed by the preposition to. This …
欧路词典|英汉-汉英词典 attributable是什么意思_attributable的中文解释和发音_attributable …
Attributable - definition of attributable by The Free Dictionary
To regard as arising from a particular cause or source; ascribe: attributed their failure to a lack...
attributable是什么意思_attributable的用法_attributable怎么读_ …
1660s, from attribute (v.) + -able. 1. Acid rain is not straightforwardly attributable to the burning of coal. 酸雨并非简单地由烧煤造成。 2. 10,000 deaths a year from chronic lung disease are attributable to smoking. 吸烟导致每年有1万人死于慢性肺病。 3. The mess was directly attributable to a corrupt and incompetent official. 某个腐败无能的官员是导致这一烂摊子的罪魁祸 …
ATTRIBUTABLE中文(繁体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
ATTRIBUTABLE翻译:歸因於…的;由於…的。 了解更多。
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