"ja auch"是什么意思? -关于德语 - HiNative
“Auch” has different meanings here. But here it’s just like “ja ziemlich”: it’s a slick way to say: “yes, (…) too.” “Ja, auch” can be used as a “complementary answer”, when you’re trying to explain or tell about something. Like: “[INSERT NAME] appeared at the festival.” “And [INSERT NAME]?”
德语助手|德汉-汉德词典 auch是什么意思_auch的中文解释和发音_auch的翻译_auch …
ja auch - Translation into English - examples German - Reverso …
Translations in context of "ja auch" in German-English from Reverso Context: ja auch schon, ja auch immer, ja auch mal, auch ja
【ja auch】とはどういう意味ですか? - ドイツ語に関する質問
“Ja, auch” can be used as a “complementary answer”, when you’re trying to explain or tell about something. Like: “[INSERT NAME] appeared at the festival.”
What is the purpose of "ja auch" in "Das steht ja auch noch
after all - neither has "ja" something to do with "yes" nor "auch" with "too" ... "ja" often means "as you know" "auch" can also mean "besides / after all / apart from that"
What is the meaning of "ja auch"? - Question about German
2022年1月16日 · “Auch” has different meanings here. But here it’s just like “ja ziemlich”: it’s a slick way to say: “yes, (…) too.” “Ja, auch” can be used as a “complementary answer”, when you’re trying to explain or tell about something. Like: “[INSERT NAME] appeared at the festival.” “And [INSERT NAME]?”
"Ja auch"是什么意思? -关于德语 - HiNative
„Kein Wunder! Du hast ja auch vier Äpfel gegessen!” ("No wonder! You ate four apples!") -> For person B it's obvious and no wonder. That's why we add „ja auch”. Another example: Person A: „Ich verstehe nicht, was daran so schwer sein soll, einmal die Woche Sport zu machen!”
What does ja auch mean in German? - WordHippo
What does ja auch mean in German? English Translation. indeed. Find more words!
"ja auch"是什麼意思? - 關於德語的問題 - HiNative
“Auch” has different meanings here. But here it’s just like “ja ziemlich”: it’s a slick way to say: “yes, (…) too.” “Ja, auch” can be used as a “complementary answer”, when you’re trying to explain or tell about something. Like: “[INSERT NAME] appeared at the festival.” “And [INSERT NAME]?”
德语助手|德汉-汉德词典 auch是什么意思_auch的中文解释和发音_auch的翻译_auch …
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