Audi A6 - Wikipedia
The Audi A6 is an executive car manufactured by the German company Audi since 1994. Now in its fifth generation, the successor to the Audi 100 is manufactured in Neckarsulm, Germany, …
Specs for all Audi A6 (C6) versions - Ultimate Specs
Choose a Audi A6 (C6) version from the list below to get information about engine specs, horsepower, CO2 emissions, fuel consumption, dimensions, tires size, weight and many other …
奥迪 A6(A6L)一共几代,历年来的变化都是什么? - 知乎
奥迪 A6L 是在奥迪 A6 基础上开发的长轴距版车系,由一汽-大众奥迪国产和销售,其前身是 1988 年引入国内的代号为 C3 的第三代奥迪 100。 奥迪 A6L 在国内共经历 4 代车型的进化,全新 …
3分钟带你了解养爹的不易——奥迪A6L(C6) - 知乎专栏
奥迪A6内部代号 C6 于2004年上市,设计圆润,05年 一汽大众 引入中国国产。 今天我们说的这台车是同事的一辆2007年制造的06款3.2L自动挡 奥迪A6L。 06款A6L当时一共使用了3.2L V6发 …
Audi A6 (C6) 3.2 FSI V6 Specs - Ultimate Specs
Explore the Audi A6 (C6) 3.2 FSI V6 detailed specs, including 0-60 mph times, horsepower, and handling data. Get all the Info.
经典奥迪A6L C6翻新整备,致敬经典! - 汽车之家
2020年6月8日 · 在我看来奥迪A6L C6是目前奥迪最成功的一款车型,也许有的朋友觉得C6不如C5经典,同时也不如C7&C8那样有科技感。 但是C6作为一款承上启下的车型,凭借其稳重大 …
永远的C位!奥迪A6L历史 - 懂车帝
2023年7月4日 · a6(c6)首次配备了一键启动、电子手刹和mmi多媒体交互系统,通过挡把区域的旋钮和按键来操作。 动力系统方面,A6(C6)最初搭载了最大功率170马力2.0TFSI,177马 …
Audi A6 C6 (4F) data and specifications catalogue - Automobile-Catalog
Audi model A6 C6 (model 4F) belongs to mid-size luxury / executive car class. Represents the "E (executive cars)" market segment. The car was offered with 4-door sedan, station wagon body …
Specs for all Audi A6 (C6) Avant versions - Ultimate Specs
Choose a Audi A6 (C6) Avant version from the list below to get information about engine specs, horsepower, CO2 emissions, fuel consumption, dimensions, tires size, weight and many other …
Audi A6 C6: Known Issues and Reliability - AudiWorld
2016年4月8日 · This article applies to the Audi A6 C6 (2004-2011). When it comes to measuring the reliability of the (2008-2011) Audi A6 C6, you first need to consider several key areas, …