Specs for all Audi A8 (D4) versions - Ultimate Specs
Choose a Audi A8 (D4) version from the list below to get information about engine specs, horsepower, CO2 emissions, fuel consumption, dimensions, tires size, weight and many other facts. Notice also the plus sign to access the comparator tool where you can compare up to 3 cars at once side by side.
Are D4's noticeably more reliable than D3's and should I go
2019年12月28日 · FWIW, the D4 V8 4.2 was essentially the "last and best" of the normally aspirated, and should have some incremental FSI improvements relative to the D3 quasi first gen. flavor. TDI's--folks like them, but not many USA D4 TDI's out there in reality. Long warranty tail.
心目中那台不可逾越的奥迪——D4 A8 - 懂车帝
2021年6月11日 · 上周我们拿回来了一台14款16年上牌的的45 TFSI豪华,3.0T,全时四驱,四座. 大家看到这篇文章的时候,这台A8已经在新主人的家里了...夸张点说,在我们回程的高速上,这台A8就已经不属于我们了... 没有什么花里胡哨的设计,加上黑色车漆的加持,使这代A8的外观无懈可击并且无时无刻不在透露着“沉稳”,但是外观上这价格W12的铭牌真的不是我们装bi,而是当年原车主购买的商时候4S**的, 就在我们去给这台车归档的时候,车管所的查验员用了很不懈 …
A8L D4 - 百度百科
Audi A8 D4 第四代奥迪旗舰级豪华轿车A8于2009年11月在美国迈阿密车展首次亮相。 基于大众集团拟定的MLP(Modular Longitudinal Platform)发动机纵置平台,并且保持ASF铝制车身构架。
Audi A8 (D4) - 汽车规格和技术数据,油耗 - Ultimate Specs
Audi A8 (D4) 汽车规格和技术数据,规格和燃油消耗 English Français Deutsch Svensk Português PT Español русский Italiano български Nederlands Polski Português BR Türkçe
D3 vs D4 after 2 months in the D4 - AudiWorld Forums
2014年5月31日 · 2011 A8L review (D4 vs. D3) I have now had the D4 A8L for about 2 months and about 2,000 miles of driving. For comparison purposes my prior car was a 2009 S8 with 45,000 miles and the following options - Black with black interior, B&O stereo, full leather, carbon fiber, black headliner, technology package (adaptive cruise, side assist and lane ...
[心得] 2011 Audi A8L D4 V6 原廠CPO 開箱 - 看板 car - 批踢踢實 …
2019年12月16日 · 推 cychung : 家裡的D4 A8也是頭好壯壯穩定服役中 超喜歡~ 12/16 18:32
Audi A8 D4 (4H) data and specifications catalogue - Automobile-Catalog
Audi model A8 D4 (model 4H) belongs to full-size luxury / luxury car class. Represents the "F (luxury cars)" market segment. The car was offered with 4-door sedan body shapes between the years 2010 and 2017. A major change ("face lift") during …
A8 / S8 (D4 Platform) Discussion - AudiWorld Forums
2025年3月2日 · A8 / S8 (D4 Platform) Discussion Discussion Forum for the D4 Audi A8 Produced from 2010-2017 Audi S8 produced from 2012-2017 New Thread Subscribe . Filters ; Page 1 of 224. 1. 2. 3. 11. 51. 101 > Last » Threads in Forum: A8 / S8 (D4 Platform) Discussion. Forum Tools Search this Forum. Views: 1,230 Announcement ...
AUDI A8 (D4) Specs & Photos - 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017
The third generation of Audi's flagship, the A8, was launched in November 2009 at Miami and in 2013 it received a facelift that added more stance on the road and more grunt under the hood.