01308 - control module for roof electronics (J528) - AudiWorld
2023年6月20日 · I was making a regular VCDS check today and while checking rear seats and door eletronics, this code (01308 - control module for roof electronics (J528)) permanently appeared everywhere. Tried to search, but the same code shows up in many various occasions.
Audi Resource - Roof Electronics
Coding, -J528 - Roof Electrics . The code of the roof electronics control unit is composed of individual numeric values. For each equipment feature there is a special numeric value. At the end of the coding the sum total of all numeric values is calculated and the overall coding for the vehicle is produced (see coding example). Note
2018年款全新奥迪Q7控制单元安装位置和端子功能说明(中部)_ …
2021年1月8日 · 本文以2018款奥迪Q7为例,和大家介绍新款Q7全车控制单元安装位置分布,仅供维修同行参考借鉴。 回顾. 8848汽车技术论坛微信公众号,覆盖大众/奥迪,奔驰/宝马,捷豹/路虎/保时捷,以及其他中高端车型。 我们拒绝简单的拼凑,和复制粘贴,无论是原创还是分享,内容的可读性,实用性始终放在首位。 尊重技术的价值;坚持技术的严谨。 不做标题党,不做搬运工,不做伪命题. 8848汽车技术论坛微信公众号,凭借8848汽车技术论坛14年德系车一线技师朋 …
Upgrade to rain and light sensor A8 4E 2005 - Audi Forum
2010年3月23日 · The rain and light sensor -G307 is coded in the onboard power supply control unit -J519. If the rain and light sensor -G307 is fitted the light sensor must not be coded in the roof electronics control unit -J528." Audi Portal: ECU Diagnostic . Audi A8 4E (2002 -) . Roof Electronic J528 With VCDS, I get the following error: Address 09: Cent. Elect.
Audi-Resource - Central Electrics 11
After replacing the vehicle voltage control unit -J519, the steering column adjustment mechanism and steering column adjustment components*, a basic setting of the two steering column adjuster motors -V123 (vertical) and -V124 (horizontal) must be carried out.
2010 Audi A8L D3 Control Unit Coding lost - Ross-Tech Forums
2022年5月26日 · Hey guys, back again with this A8. I'm hoping this is the correct error code for the problem, but I have lost all the car setting options in the MMI. The suspension setting and the actual car settings are not selectable, it just displays no further settings available for this vehicle.
This Self Study Programme contains information on data bus networking (topology) and electrical components in the Audi A8 ´03. An understanding of the interaction of the components and distributed functions forms the necessary basis for successful fault-finding.
'07 Audi A8 electrical system gone wild - Ross-Tech Forums
2020年12月27日 · I have an '07 Audi A8 with approx 161k miles. Everything has been fine except some minor issues here and there until the other night my car alarm was going off. I went outside to see what was going on since my alarm has never went off before.
Audi S8 5.2L V10 engine problem - A8 All/ S8 All - Audi Revolution
2021年6月22日 · So far I have changed the ECM relay and the fuel pump relay and all the spark plugs. I have scanned it with Ross tech vcda and this are the results I get. VIN: Mileage: 228830km-142188miles. 06-Seat Mem. Pass – Status: OK 0000. 09-Cent. Elect. – Status: Malfunction 0010. 1D-Driver Ident. – Status: Malfunction 0010. 36-Seat Mem.
ECM not coded correctly and power train bus missing?
2019年10月8日 · Was working fine on my last scan few days ago. However my cruise control has stopped working. Also the power tain bus is missing? Drove the car and it has actually never driven better. I'm lost at what could be. The scan is below. Note: the flat metal fuse above the battery the runs the entertainment modules in the left side boot removed.