三氟化金 - 百度百科
Gold (III) fluoride - Wikipedia
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Gold trifluoride | AuF3 | CID 5460532 - PubChem
2021年5月7日 · Gold trifluoride | AuF3 | CID 5460532 - structure, chemical names, physical and chemical properties, classification, patents, literature, biological activities, safety/hazards/toxicity information, supplier lists, and more.
Gold(3+) trifluoride | AuF3 | CID 57448791 - PubChem
2024年11月20日 · Gold(3+) trifluoride | AuF3 | CID 57448791 - structure, chemical names, physical and chemical properties, classification, patents, literature, biological activities, safety/hazards/toxicity information, supplier lists, and more.
氟化金 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
本页面最后修订于2024年10月8日 (星期二) 07:00。 本站的全部文字在知识共享 署名-相同方式共享 4.0协议之条款下提供,附加条款亦可能应用。 (请参阅使用条款) Wikipedia®和维基百科标志是维基媒体基金会的注册商标;维基™是维基媒体基金会的商标。 维基媒体基金会是按美国国內稅 …
Gold(3+) trifluoride | AuF3 - ChemSpider
ChemSpider record containing structure, synonyms, properties, vendors and database links for Gold(3+) trifluoride, 14720-21-9, NIXONLGLPJQPCW-UHFFFAOYSA-K
mp-942: AuF3 (hexagonal, P6_122, 178) - material
AuF3 crystallizes in the hexagonal P6_122 space group. The structure is one-dimensional and consists of one AuF3 ribbon oriented in the (0, 0, 1) direction. Au3+ is bonded in a distorted square co-planar geometry to four F1- atoms. There is two shorter (1.93 Å) and two longer (2.05 Å) Au–F bond length. There are two inequivalent F1- sites.
AuF3 - NIST Chemistry WebBook
AuF3. Formula: AuF 3; Molecular weight: 253.961779; CAS Registry Number: 14720-21-9; Information on this page: Reaction thermochemistry data; Ion clustering data; References; Notes; Options: Switch to calorie-based units
14720-21-9 - 爱化学
化工产品查询提供CAS号14720-21-9,,Gold fluoride (AuF3)(7CI,8CI,9CI),AuF3物理化学基本性质,分子式,分子结构,密度,熔点,沸点,价格,作用,应用,供应商,危险品标志,别名等信息
Gold Trifluoride AuF₃ - Chemical Compound Info
Gold Trifluoride is a chemical compound with a chemical formula of AuF₃.