Steyr AUG - Wikipedia
The Steyr AUG (German: Armee-Universal-Gewehr, lit. 'army universal rifle') is an Austrian bullpup assault rifle chambered for the 5.56×45mm NATO intermediate cartridge, designed in the 1960s by Steyr-Daimler-Puch, and now manufactured by Steyr Arms GmbH & Co KG.
AUG - Steyr Arms USA
The iconic bullpup AUG has been one of the most recognizable rifles in the world since its adoption by the Austrian army in 1977 and is now used by international military units. Available in 5.56x45mm (.223 Rem.), .300 AAC Blackout, and 9x19mm.
The STEYR AUG A3 modular weapon system is a result of the continued development of the world renowned STEYR AUG rifle series. The STEYR AUG A3 design is also based on modular system components, which can be configured from one variant to another quickly and easily, without tools, and at unit level, in order to meet a wide range of future weapon ...
斯泰爾AUG突擊步槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Steyr AUG (德語: Armee-Universal-Gewehr, 直译: “陸軍通用步槍” [2])是一款由 奧地利 槍械製造商 斯泰爾-曼利夏 於1977年推出的軍用 突擊步槍,為史上首款獲正式採用並大量裝備的 犢牛式 軍用步槍。 該槍最早於1978年被 奧地利聯邦軍 採納為制式步槍,並將其命名為“StG 77”(Sturmgewehr 77;意爲:77型突擊步槍),後來也被多國的軍隊和執法機關所採用。 AUG運用了跟當代軍用步槍不同的 犢牛式 佈局設計,使得全槍的長度在不影響彈道表現下比採用傳 …
The STEYR AUG is a gas operated (short stroke piston) semi and fully automatic assault rifle with rotary bolt, quick changeable barrel and integrated optical sight. The “Bullpup“ design makes it a short, well-balanced rifle with high reliability and accuracy.
AUG突击步枪 - 百度百科
AUG突击步枪(英文:AUG Assault Rifle,德文:Armee Universal Gewehr缩写,即陆军通用步枪 [10])是奥地利研制的一种导气式、弹匣供弹、射击方式可选的 无托结构步枪。 AUG突击步枪采用了无托设计,发射5.56×45毫米子弹,该枪集无枪托,塑料枪身、千里眼、模块化四大优点于一身。 易携带、耐腐蚀、使用寿命长、配备高倍瞄准镜、模块化的部件设计方便拆卸,是一种把以往多种已知的设计意念组合起来,结合成一个可靠整体。 由于枪身较轻,便于部队的快速突击和 …
Steyr AUG ——〖枪炮世界〗
斯太尔AUG(德语Armee Universal Gewehr的缩写,即陆军通用步枪)是一种导气式、弹匣供弹、射击方式可选的无托结构步枪,是在1960年代后期开始研制的,其目的是为了替换当时奥地利军方采用的Stg.58(FN FAL)战斗步枪。
Steyr AUG A2 ——〖枪炮世界〗
澳大利亚陆军未来的单兵作战系统,目前以f88s-a1(澳洲本土产aug-a2)为武器平台 爱尔兰陆军的制式步枪也是AUG,而下挂的榴弹发射器是加拿大生产的M203A1
Steyr AUG A3 M2 NATO Ext. Rail - Atlantic Firearms
This new AUG A3 model is chambered in 5.56/.223 and is semi automatic with a 16" barrel. Features an extended rail with plenty of space for your favorite optic or tactical accessory. Other features include a QD sling swivel slots and a birdcage flash hider.
AUG A2 突击步枪 - R6S百科 | 虹彩六號:圍攻行動 - huiji.wiki
斯太尔AUG(德语Armee Univeral Gewehr即[陆军通用步枪]的缩写),是奥地利斯太尔公司在60年代为竞标奥地利军方要求取代现有StG58(FNFAL的奥地利军方编号)步枪而研发的小口径突击步枪,军方要求为:
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