Steyr AUG - Wikipedia
The Steyr AUG (German: Armee-Universal-Gewehr, lit. 'army universal rifle') is an Austrian bullpup assault rifle chambered for the 5.56×45mm NATO intermediate cartridge, designed in …
AUG - Steyr Arms USA
The iconic bullpup AUG has been one of the most recognizable rifles in the world since its adoption by the Austrian army in 1977 and is now used by international military units. Available …
斯泰尔AUG突击步枪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Steyr AUG (德语: Armee-Universal-Gewehr, 直译: “陆军通用步枪” [2])是一款由 奥地利 枪械制造商 斯泰尔-曼利夏 于1977年推出的军用 突击步枪,为史上首款获正式采用并大量装备 …
Steyr StG 77, aka the AUG - YouTube
2018年9月21日 · http://www.patreon.com/ForgottenWeaponsToday's rifle is not quite an Austrian military StG-77, but it is virtually identical. This is one of the commemorativ...
斯泰爾AUG突擊步槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2010年—《战地:叛逆连队2》:型號為aug a3近戰型,命名為“stg.77 aug”,裝有m203榴彈發射器,聯機模式中為突擊兵解鎖武器。奇怪地空倉重新裝填後玩家角色不會為槍械上膛。
Steyr Arms AUG STG-77 M1 20" 5.56 NATO Semi-Auto 1.5X Optic …
The iconic bullpup AUG has been one of the most recognizable rifles in the world since its adoption by the Austrian army in 1977 and is now trusted by military units and civilians worldwide.
STG 77: Steyr Celebrates 40th Anniversary of Its Famous Release
2017年8月8日 · Steyr touts the 5.56x45mm STG 77 as the first U.S.-built production AUG to come standard with a 20-inch barrel. The barrel is cold-hammer forged and profiled to the original …
In 1977 the Austrian Federal Army decided to establish the AUG A 1, which eventually was named StG 77 (Assault Rifle 77), as its new standard assault rifle. Up to this day, this rifle has …
【搬运/已加工字幕】斯太尔STG-77 AUG无托突击步枪 历史介绍
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhEPHfvfqR4 原标题:Steyr StG 77, aka the AUG 原作者:被遗忘的武器
Steyr Arms AUG STG77 M1 556N 20″ W/OPTIC - TheGunZone
2024年12月1日 · The Steyr Arms AUG STG77 M1 5.56 NATO is one of the most iconic and advanced modern sporting rifles available. Recognized for its futuristic design, bullpup …
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