Attachment Unit Interface - Wikipedia
The Attachment Unit Interface (AUI) is a physical and logical interface defined in the IEEE 802.3 standard for 10BASE5 Ethernet [1] and the earlier DIX standard. The physical interface consists of a 15-pin D-subminiature connector that links an Ethernet node's physical signaling to the Medium Attachment Unit (MAU), [ 2 ] sometimes referred to ...
aui接口 - 百度百科
AUI端口是用来与粗同轴电缆连接的接口,它是一种"D"型15针接口,这在 令牌环网 或 总线型网络 中是一种比较常见的端口之一。 路由器 可通过粗同轴电缆收发器实现与10Base-5网络的连接,但更多的是借助于外接的收发转发器(AUI-to-RJ-45),实现与10Base-T以太网络的连接。 当然也可借助于其他类型的收发转发器实现与细同轴电缆(10Base-2)或光缆(10Base-F)的连接。 这里所讲的 路由器 AUI接口主要是用粗同轴电缆作为 传输介质 的网络进行连接用的,AUI接口示 …
AUI Connector: Evolution, Legacy, and Modern Relevance
2024年1月19日 · AUI is an acronym for Attachment Unit Interface connector, a standard 15-pin connector device for thicknet or 10Base5 cabling. The AUI connector on the free end of the drop cable attaches to the DB15 connector on the network interface card (NIC). The NIC has an AUI port connector for connecting the drop cable.
以太网背板总线接口 - 者旨於陽 - 博客园
2019年12月19日 · AUI指以太网连接单元接口(Ethernet Attachment Unit Interface),X表示罗马数字10,即10Gbps。 XAUI是一个介于MAC和PHY之间的XGMII总线的延伸标准,位于MAC末端的XGXS和PHY末端的XGXS之间。
AUI Transceiver Cables | AUI Cable - ConnectZone
This cable is sometimes called an AUI cable because it often connects to the attachment unit interface (AUI) on an ethernet network interface card. Office-style AUI cables are known for their high level of flexibility which makes them easy to install in an office environment.
What is AUI (Attachment Unit Interface)? - GeeksforGeeks
2022年7月8日 · AUI stands for Attachment Unit Interface. AUI is a portion of Ethernet standards that specifies how a cable is going to connect to an Ethernet card. AUI is a physical and logical interface. AUI is defined in IEEE 802.3 standard for 10BASE5 Ethernet.
Ethernet AUI Port, Pinouts, and Cable Specifications - Cisco
2006年1月30日 · These AUI ports are designed to connect to an external transceiver for conversion to a specific media type (such as twisted pair, coax, or fiber). The transceiver may either be directly connected to the AUI port or through an AUI Cable as illustrated below:
AUI端口?什么是AUI端口 - 电子发烧友网
AUI端口是用来与粗同轴电缆连接的 接口,它是一种"D"型15针接口,这在令牌环网或总线型 网络 中是一种比较常见的端口之一。 路由器可通过粗同轴电缆 收发器 实现与10Base-5网络的连接,但更多的是借助于外接的收发转发器(AUI-to-RJ-45),实现与10Base-T 以太网 络的连接。 当然也可借助于其他类型的收发转发器实现与细同轴电缆(10Base-2)或光缆(10Base-F)的连接。 这里所讲的路由器AUI接口主要是用粗同轴电缆作为传输介质的网络进行连接用的,AUI接口示 …
AUI Cable (Transceiver Cable) - ethermanage.com
The AUI cable carries three data signals between the Ethernet interface and MAU: transmit data (from the Ethernet interface to the network), receive data (from the network to the interface), and a collision presence signal (from the network to the interface).
802.3 AUI Transceiver Cables - Stonewall Cable
Count on us to deliver fully tested AUI Transceiver cables guaranteed to meet IEEE 802.3 Ethernet specifications. Call or email for custom options such as angled hoods and different hardware. Our cables are available in any length.