AUI Label - AUI Documentation - Atlassian
AUI provides a wrapper around the native label element for use with other AUI components. An AUI label should be used with the following components only: Included in AUI core? Not in …
Labels - AUI Documentation - Atlassian
Labels are used to tag or label content with certain keywords; and optionally to link to resources showing more information related to that keyword. AUI Labels can be created in four …
Labels - AUI Documentation
2017年5月9日 · Labels are used to tag or label content with certain keywords; and optionally to link to resources showing more information related to that keyword. Can be closeable. AUI …
提供了几个默认色值的小标签效果,用户可以根据自己的需要来对颜色进行自由配置。 .aui-label 来定义标签,.aui-label-* 为样式。 默认的样式有以下: ackground-color:#ff9900; color:#ffffff; …
AUI Label - AUI Documentation
AUI provides a wrapper around the native label element for use with other AUI components. An AUI label should be used with the following components only: Included in AUI core? Not in …
标签 | AUI在线文档
2022年4月1日 · 提供了几个默认色值的小标签效果,用户可以根据自己的需要来对颜色进行自由配置。 `.aui-label`来定义标签,`.aui-label-*`为样式。 默认的样式有以下: </div> 提供了几个默 …
AUI Label - AUI Documentation - Atlassian
AUI Label Ask a question Summary. AUI provides a wrapper around the native label element for use with other AUI components. An AUI label should be used with the following components …
标签 · AUI在线文档 · 看云 - kancloud.cn
aui是针对APICloud开发一套纯css前端ui框架 ThinkChat2.0新版上线,更智能更精彩,支持会话、画图、视频、阅读、搜索等,送10W Token,即刻 开启你的AI之旅 广告
常用item - 跨平台移动前端框架AUI 2.0 - Web前端之家
2016年9月19日 · 信息条 aui-info 实现的效果在大多数APP中是比较常见的,在AUI中可以放置其他列表容器内使用。 比如可以实现有头像,昵称,其他信息的横向布局样式。 默认使用垂直居 …
Labels - AUI Documentation - Atlassian
Labels are used to tag or label content with certain keywords; and optionally to link to resources showing more information related to that keyword. Can be closeable. AUI Labels can be …