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Home | Archive of Our Own
more than 70,770 fandoms | 8,220,000 users | 14,660,000 works. The Archive of Our Own is a project of the Organization for Transformative Works. You can join by getting an invitation from our automated invite queue. All fans and fanworks are welcome! Get Invited!
氧化金 - 百度百科
氧化金一般指三氧化二金,无机化合物,化学式Au2O3。 是金最稳定的氧化物,常温下呈棕色或棕黑色粉末,溶于盐酸和氰化钠溶液并生成对应的盐,不溶于水,有刺激性气味。 对光敏感,见光易分解。
AUO3 | Aggravated Unlicensed Operation in the Third Degree
In New York State, Aggravated Unlicensed Operation in the Third Degree (AUO3) is the official name of the charge for driving with a suspended license. It is a misdemeanor criminal charge that is codified in Section 511 of Vehicle & Traffic Law.
Gold(III) hydroxide - Wikipedia
Gold (III) hydroxide, gold trihydroxide, or gold hydroxide is an inorganic compound, a hydroxide of gold, with formula Au (OH) 3. It is also called auric acid with formula H 3 AuO 3. It is easily dehydrated above 140 °C to gold (III) oxide. Salts of auric acid are termed aurates.
Tutorials FAQ | Archive of Our Own
A number of tutorials with screencaps and step-by-step instructions have been written to help you get the most out of using the Archive of Our Own (AO3). Here's a list of available tutorials (most recent listed first): What tutorials are available on how to customize the Archive?
Relative ion intensity of (a) AuO3 + , (b) AuO4 + , (c) AuO5 + , (d ...
Clusters with one atomically bound oxygen atom (AuO + , Au 2 O + , and Au 3 O +) were found to be reactive and selective toward oxidation of...
氢氧化金 - 百度百科
氢氧化金(英文名称Gold hydroxide:Goldhydroxide)又名三氢氧化金(Gold trihydroxide)褐色粉末,不溶于水,不溶于稀酸,能溶于强酸、强碱及氰化钠溶液,加热易分解。 分子式为Au(OH)3,主要用作制备氧化金、陶瓷着色的原料。 [1-2] 【外观】褐色粉末。 【溶解性能】不溶于水,不溶于稀酸,能溶于强酸、强碱及氰化钠溶液。 【稳定性】不稳定,易分解成氧化金。 【常见化学反应】 [1-2] 氢氧化金是两性氢氧化物,极不稳定加热至100℃迅速分解 …
Gold(III) oxide - Wikipedia
Gold (III) oxide (Au 2 O 3) is an inorganic compound of gold and oxygen with the formula Au 2 O 3. It is a red-brown solid that decomposes at 298 °C. [3] According to X-ray crystallography, Au 2 O 3 features square planar gold centers with both 2- and 3-coordinated oxides. The four Au-O bond distances range from 193 to 207 picometers. [1] .
Au2O3 / óxido de oro (III) - Formulación química
Nomenclatura sistemática: trióxido de dioro. Nomenclatura stock: óxido de oro (III) Nomenclatura tradicional: óxido áurico. Tipo de compuesto: óxido metálico (metal + oxígeno) El óxido de oro (III) (Au2O3) u óxido áurico es un sólido de color rojo-marrón considerado ser el óxido más estable del oro que se descompone a los 160 °C.