'AUSoil' rose Description - helpmefind.com
Description, photos, references, ratings, reviews, gardens growing and nurseries selling the \'AUSoil\' Rose. Roses, Clematis and Peonies and everything gardening related.
'Troilus' rose Description - helpmefind.com
Description, photos, references, ratings, reviews, gardens growing and nurseries selling the \'Troilus\' Rose.
'AUSoil' rose Photos - helpmefind.com
\'AUSoil\' rose photographs contributed by breeders, nurseries and website members.
'AUSoil' rose Lineage Information - m.helpmefind.com
\'AUSoil\' rose parentage tree and parentage and descendant lists by name and generation.
'AUSoil' rose Gardens - helpmefind.com
Member rose garden. 168 plants listed. 191 photos. 19 favorite votes. Average rating: EXCELLENT. Listed as 'Troilus'.
'AUSoil' rose Photos - m.helpmefind.com
Photo taken yesterday (late summer) at the Mornington Botanical Rose Garden, just outside Melbourne, Australia. Nice fragrance.
'AUSoil' rose reviews and comments - w.helpmefind.com
\'AUSoil\' rose member reviews, comments and Q & A. Learn from other member\'s experience and insight with this plant as well as share your own with the HelpMeFind garden community.
'AUSoil' rose Gardens - m.helpmefind.com
Rose (member) Garden. 1306 plants listed. 150 photos. 56 favorite votes. Average rating: EXCELLENT. Listed as 'Troilus'.
'AUSoil' rose Nurseries - m.helpmefind.com
Rose (retail and mail order) Nursery. 1392 plants listed. 3 photos. 117 favorite votes. Average rating: EXCELLENT. Sold as 'Troilus'.
'AUSlo' rose Description - helpmefind.com
Although David Austin has written that 'Othello' has been superceded by better varieties, this rose with its large dark red blooms that age to purple is still widely available.